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Everything posted by developer_mh

  1. Dear José, I am sorry that you are not able to work with the 3D environment anymore. Could you give some more detail, if possible? What exactly happens when you start 3D? Could you provide screenshots, please? And also, please provide the log file "PVSOLpremium.log" that you can find at C:\ProgramData\Valentin EnergieSoftware\log Thanks in advance, Martin
  2. Dear Karam, at the moment PV*SOL doesn't have this feature. It will be released with the next major version, 2021 R1. At the moment it is scheduled for beginning of November 2020. Kind regards, Martin
  3. Dear and, the resolution of large plans is in fact a bit tricky. At least in the project report, where the plans are rasterized before printing them into the pdf or docs file. But you can export the cable plan directly on the cable page, as pdf or svg. In this case, the vectors are not rasterized and you conserve the good quality. See this export as DIN A0 page to pdf: and zoomed in: This does not work for the cable plans at the moment, since they are generated in a different way. But you could export those as dxf (where vector information is still included), and open it in a vector graphics application, like inkscape (it is open source and very powerful, we use it a lot: https://inkscape.org/). Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  4. Hi Jimmy, you can right-click on the imported model, choose "Edit" and then rotate the object. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  5. Hi Alvin, the cable page was redesigned a little in recent versions, so if you can, consider updating to a newer version. If not, you could try to de-maximize the window of PV*SOL and then strech the window manually so that you can see the controls better. Kind regards, Martin
  6. Dear Alvin, I guess you will need to rotate the 3D model in another software, e.g. Blender or the like. Which photogrammetry software are you using? And aside from that, having a look at your model, I would recommend to choose only the building you are interested in, plus some surrounding buildings or trees. Try to keep the resolution of the geometries as high as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to get reliable shading simulation results. Kind regards, Martin
  7. Hi Jordn, this is a very interesting project you are working on there! Thank you for sharing this. In general, the climate data used to simulate the PV system have the strongest influence on the symmetry of the results. Other influences can come from the models used to calculate the irradiance on the tilted plane and so forth, the synchronity of the sun's coordinates with the climate data and the like. I just checked this for some locations and climate data sources, and compared the orientations 90° (East) and 270° (West) with 180° (South), all at 30° inclination. Berlin with data from DWD: East brings 82,4 %, West 80,6 % Berlin with TMY data, also DWD, but different source: East brings 82,7 %, West 77,7 % Severn England, SAP 2012 dataset: East brings 82,6 %, West 81,9 % Newquay UK, interpolated in PV*SOL with Meteonorm 7.2: East brings 82,6 %, West 81,4 % So, in contrast to your results, we have a higher irradiation on the East facing systems. This seems strange to me, could you provide a project file, perhaps? You can also send it via private message. Which version of PV*SOL are you using? Kind regards, Martin
  8. Dear and, this is feature that was only recently introduced, in PV*SOL premium 2020 R4. If you are using an older version, consider updating it, then it should work. Thanks and kind regards, Martin
  9. Dear Sander, are you trying to add the module in PV*SOL or on the manufacturer website? Is there any error message that pops up? Could you provide a screenshot perhaps? If you want, you can send it via private message. Thanks in advance, kind regards, Martin
  10. Dear Ricardo, a movement of the underlying map/image is not possible, I am afraid. And unfortunately there is no way to copy objects from one project to another, neither. At least not the simple way. A possible way exists, but this is a hacky workaround. It is unofficial and we don't do support for projects that are broken due to this hack. But if you want to try, you can do the following: Save the first project twice (one for safety, and one you will modify) Create a new project where you select the new map section as desired (with brown surface above). Try to select it in the same zoom level and x/y dimensions Save the new project with a new name (e.g. "new map section.pvprj") Close PV*SOL Use a zip program like 7zip to unzip the file "new map section.pvprj" Amongst the unzipped files, you will find one "MapExtract.png" and inside the folder Visu3D you'll find "SelfCreatedTexture150.png" Copy these two images to another place, these are the new map sections for your old project Unzip also the old project (the one you created for modification from step 1) replace the files "MapExtract.png" and "SelfCreatedTexture150.png" with the ones you copied elsewhere (from step 7) Select all files in that folder and zip them Change the file extension from *.zip to *.pvprj Open the modified project, and you can see that the map section was replaced. Now you would need to adjust the location of the building, but that is possible from within the software. Hope that helps, and sorry if we can only provide this dirty workaround at the moment. Best wishes for you home office experience as well! Kind regards, Martin
  11. Hi Joey, this is label appears when you have a single-phase inverter on a 3-phase grid. If you have two single-phase inverters, two labels appear: If you have three single-phase inverters (or any number of 3-phase inverters), nothing appears, as the phases can be distributed evenly. If you have a number of inverters that is not divisible by 3, the phase configuration appears: Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  12. developer_mh

    Solar Park

    yes, at the moment the map import is limited to 800m width and height. You can see if you are within these limits when you choose your map section: If the numbers are red, it is not possible to select the map section because the dimensions are too large. If you need to simulate bigger PV plants, I would recommend to use the normal "2D" way of planning. Kind regards, Martin
  13. developer_mh

    Solar Park

    Hi Rodrigo, a solar park can be easily designed with the module mounting feature in the 3D environment. There you define the mounting system, which modules to take, row distance etc: If you need further help, please don't hesitate to ask. Kind regards, Martin
  14. Hi Jordn, there are some predefined module textures that are available in the 3D mode of PV*SOL. Go to the tab "Module Coverage" and right click on the modules, then choose "Change texture". There you can choose various cell textures and also the color of the backsheet and the framing. Let me know if this is sufficient for you. There is also another way to change the module texture, but this involves some tricky file handling and is an unofficial (and unsupported) approach. But yes, it is possible to integrate the texture you posted: Kind regards, Martin
  15. Hallo DDF, man kann wählen, ob man alle Angaben in brutto oder netto eingibt: Man wählt das also einmal, und muss dann alle Eingaben entsprechend konsistent halten. Beste Grüße, Martin
  16. Hallo Anton, ja, diese Funktion wird in unserer Simulation generell so abgebildet. Es wird immer zwischen der minimalen und der maximalen MPP-Spannung der globale MPP gesucht. Wir gehen davon aus, dass das zu den grundlegenden Funktionen eines Wechselrichters gehört (also dass das alle können). Anders sieht es natürlich bei Festspannungs-Wechselrichtern aus. Beste Grüße, Martin
  17. Hallo Julian, um PV-Anlagen mit elektrischen Verbrauchern zu rechnen, musst du zunächst die Anlagenart umstellen: Und dann ist es mit dem Eigenverbrauch so, dass er sich aus dem Zusammenspiel zwischen Energieproduktion der PV-Anlage und dem Energieverbrauch der Verbraucher ergibt. Man kann ihn daher nicht einstellen, so dass er beispielsweise 25% beträgt. Wenn die PV-Anlage im Jahr z.B. 10000 kWh produziert, und man einen Verbrauch von 2500 kWh hat, wäre das ja bilanziell übers Jahr gesehen ein Verbrauchsanteil von 25%. Es ist aber nicht gesagt, dass die PV-Anlage zu jeder Zeit die Last decken kann. Die Gleichzeitigkeit und die Leistungs-Profile von PV und Last sind hierbei ausschlaggebend. Auch der Zeitschritt der Simulation hat einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den Eigenverbrauch. Am besten wählst du mal ein paar Lastprofile aus, mal in 1min, mal 15min und mal 1h-Auflösung und variierst den Jahres-Energieverbrauch und simulierst das dann. Du wirst sehen, wie sich in den Ergebnissen der Eigenverbrauch ändert. Wenn du mehr Unterstützung brauchst, sag Bescheid. Beste Grüße, Martin
  18. Dear Aurora, could you please send us the project file that you used to produce the report? You can send it by private message. Kind regards, Martin
  19. Dear Supportcenter EWS, as Marcel pointed out, we are aware of the fact that this feature is highly demanded by our customers. And be sure that we are not holding it back artificially. The undo function is quasi-impossible to implement in the existing code of the 3D environment. It would make it necessary to restructure the whole code from scratch. And since we are working on a completely new version of the 3D environment, it wouldn't make sense to rebuild the old version from scratch. We hope this is comprehensible. As a workaround against the worst cases of work loss we introduced the autosave feature some versions ago. With this you can jump back to earlier versions of your project if something unexcepted or undesired happened to your project. I know this isn't a full replacement for the undo function, but at least it avoids the loss of data or long hours of work. I am sorry to hear that. While we are always trying to produce the best simulation and planning software that is possible with our resources, we can't avoid that single customers aren't satisfied. If you want to stop using PV*SOL you can just refrain from extending your maintanance contract the next time. Kind regards, Martin
  20. Dear Joao, you could try to follow the advice here in order to resolve this problem: Hope that will resolve the problem for you. Kind regards, Martin
  21. Hi Remu, you can use the Enphase inverters in the automatic or manual configuration like any other inverter as well. Here in my example I have 44 modules on the roof, so I use 44 Enphase inverters: You can also select all Enphase inverters using the link under "Suggest Configuration", and let PV*SOL search for a valid configuration by clicking on the arrow. Regarding the DC and AC power values of the Enphase IQ7-60. Its values are correct in the database: You will have to allow for sizing factors (DC power / AC power) of above 140%. You can do so by clicking on "Configuration Limits" and then set the upper limit to 150 for example: Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  22. Hi Remu, thank you for reporting this error. I will forward it to our database team at database@valentin-software.com. If you find any errors concerning the database entries in the future, you can also report it to them directly. Kind regards, Martin
  23. Dear Luis, it seems that there are problems with your graphics card. "Fehler im DirectX-Device" (Error in the DirectX device) indicates that your graphic card has produced has error when executing DirectX functionality. "Fehler beim Zeichnen des Objekts" (Error when drawing the object) is a consecutive error, I'd say. Please check if you have installed the latest drivers for your graphic card. Also try to run dxdiag, please. Hit the "Windows" key, type "dxdiag", wait for the loading bar to finish and the click "Save All Information". You can send the file via private message. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  24. Hi Remu, can you elaborate where your difficulties are? Kind regards, Martin
  25. Dear Remu, sorry for the late answer. I wrote that feature request down, thank you. Kind regards, Martin
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