as my colleague already pointed out you can export the meteo data in the results. We only use TMY's, so if you look for specific data from single years we cannot do that. PVGIS offers that for free (no DWD data). On the TMY API page Mikio named you have the possibility to download CSV's to easily extract the data you need. If you need single years from DWD you can download them from their website (f.e. opendata.dwd.de), but you will need some special programs to read them (.nc format).
Best regards,
Hello Chloe,
PVSOL uses different sources for climate data. These are generated externally by different organizations. The most used is Meteonorm - you can expect an update to Meteonorm 9 soon. We will also add another source (NREL) soon.
There are no exact cycles for these updates.
Best regards,