Hello, I would be interested in updating information regarding Victron inverters. Are you still not going to include them in the database? Thank you for your reply. Vítek
Thanks for reply.
This is the procedure I was looking for.
Thought one should choose battery not inverter.
Brings up the list,but unfortunately the inverter to be used is not displayed
(brings up the S6-EH3P 20K-H-ND but not the S6-EH3P 30K-H-ND Which should be used)
Dear JCS,
Thank you for your message.
In PV*SOL, a battery system always consists of the charging/discharging unit (battery inverter or charge controller) and the batteries. You first select the manufacturer Ginlong (Solis) and then the battery inverter with Pylontech batteries.
Thanks for reply.
I have found the database (and tried to describe that I have it) What is the challenge is choosing Pylontech when I am in the calculations then it does not come up in the "list" of selectable batteries