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developer_mh last won the day on December 4 2023

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  1. Hallo diwiro, danke für das Teilen des Workarounds mit den anderen Usern, das hilft bestimmt weiter. Ja, das ist ganz richtig. Wir sind daher auch dabei, die 3D Umgebung von grund auf neu zu entwickeln. Hier haben sich so viele neue Feature-Wünsche und komplexe Bugs angesammelt, dass sie mit der jetzigen Codebase nicht mehr (in einem angemessenen Zeitraum) zu beheben sind. Angefangen beim fehlenden Undo, über die besagte Belegungsgrenze an virtuellen Dachstößen bis hin zu Performance- und Arbeitsspeicher-Problemen. In der Summe macht es so für uns und vor allem unsere Kunden viel mehr Sinn, die ganze 3D Umgebung auf einen modernen Stand zu heben. Das ist eine Jahrhundertbaustelle, wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck daran, aber trotzdem braucht es einfach seine Zeit. Obwohl die Neuentwicklung einen Großteil unserer Entwickler-Kapazität frisst, versuchen wir trotzdem, in der jetzigen 3D Umgebung Bugs zu fixen und hier und da sogar ein neues Feature zu implementieren. Größere Fixes oder Features, die einen kompletten Umbau des Codes erfordern würden, können aber natürlich nicht mehr erfolgen. Das tut uns natürlich leid zu hören. Wir tun jedenfalls unser Bestes, um unseren Kunden eine Software anzubieten, die sie möglichst gut bei der Arbeit unterstützt. Es ist ja prinzipiell bei der Software-Entwicklung so, zumindest bei Software, die sich mit einer aktuellen, sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Technologie wie der Solartechnik beschäftigt: Egal, in welche Richtung man schaut, es gibt zu jedem Teil-Bereich in der Software hunderte Kundenwünsche. Die Wunschlisten hier im Forum sind nur ein kleiner Teil davon. Da liegt es in der Natur der Sache, dass nicht jedes Feature, dass sich Kunde A wünscht, umgesetzt werden kann. Wir bitten daher um Verständnis und wünschen uns, dass Sie uns weiter als Kunde gewogen bleiben. Beste Grüße, Martin
  2. This is great, thanks a lot, Valintune! I am sure it will be helpful for a lot of other users. One important point though: Photoplan does not need to be installed separately, it is now part of the standard PV*SOL installation (since 2024 R1). Even if you install PhotoPlan from the sources that you mentioned, a current version of PV*SOL will not use it, but will use the Photoplan executables and dlls inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL premium 2024\Bin\Photoplan1.2
  3. Hi dekay, this is absolutely reasonable. The 4% that you see in the 3D environment is the frequency of direct shadows on the modules, not the reduction of energy yield per year. It serves more as an indicator whether or not a module receives shadow. The impact on the energy yield per year depends on many other factors, e.g.: How are the modules interconnected? When does the shadow occur? How high is the direct and diffuse component of the solar irradiance at that moment This can only be determined in the energy simulation, after which you see the results that you showed us here. On our help pages you will find some more detail about the calculation of shadows, the effect of shadows on PV modules and PV fields and much more: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/en/calculation/irradiation/ https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/en/calculation/pv-modules/ https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/en/calculation/pv-field/ Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  4. Dear José Carlos, I guess what you experience there is that you have selected the location on the maps in the 3D environment, but perhaps not as climate data? Please close the 3D environment (you can adopt all data, if you wish), go back to the main application, head to the page "Tipo de sistema, clima e rede", and select the correct location: Then, when you enter 3D, the shadows are displayed correctly. Kind regards, Martin
  5. developer_mh


    Dear all, I'd like to share an interesting website I found recently where you can look up the specific CO2 emissions per country on a map: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/carbon-intensity-electricity This was really a very rough estimate, by just diving the CO2 emissions by the electricity consumption, 37.5 Mt / 133.2 TWh = 282 g/kWh. This calculus does take into account a whole bunch of factors and actually we should forget that I even did that calculation We should look it up on the above website instead. Kind regards, Martin
  6. Hi Asgar Kappel Skau, when you have a normal PV system that is connected to the grid, and the house consumption also connected to the grid, you can just choose a from-grid tariff and a feed-in tariff. You don't have to modify the tariffs. The PV energy that is generated is first used by the consumption in the house. If there is more PV energy than consumption, the rest of the PV energy is fed into the grid and you get paid for that with the price per kWh that is defined in the feed-in tariff. If there is more consumption than PV energy, the rest of the consumption energy has to be covered by the grid, and you will have to pay for it according to the from-grid tariff. "The price of electricity sold to third party" is something else that doesn't matter here in your case. It is only applicable if you have no tariff selected or if the selected tariff is not valid anymore. See here for more details: Hope that helps, best regards, Martin
  7. developer_mh

    PR > 100%

    Hi Luís, thank you for the project file. The reason for the error is the PV module that was created by a user. It has a relative efficiency in low light of over 376%: In future releases it won't be possible to enter data that lead to a relative efficiency of over 120%. And a general suggestion to users creating their own PV module data is to use the standard low light performance check box. This ensures that nothing can go wrong. Hope that helps, best regards, Martin
  8. developer_mh

    PR > 100%

    oh, thank you for the hint! Somehow we do not get noticed when our inbox is full. Should work now again
  9. Hi Go green BG, thank you for your questions and the screenshots. You choose to create a copy and then see all the details in the edit dialog. Then choose cancel. I will forward this request to our database team. If you create your own PV modules e.g. by copying existing ones and you don't know the low light parameters, just choose "standard" Yes, the module dimensions are displayed in the dimensioning plan, and are also listed in the PV module datasheet table Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  10. developer_mh

    PR > 100%

    Hi Luís, Is there a project file that you wanted to attach? Without a project file it will be impossible to answer your question, I guess. Kind regards, Martin
  11. Hi Karina Suharevska, this message indicates that you have too much wall objects in your scene. You could try to remove some unnecessary objects or perhaps combine several wall objects into one. If you want you can send over the project file so that we can have a look. You can send it to our technical support team here: https://valentin-software.com/en/support/technical-support/ Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  12. HI Jakubson, this is a feature that will come in the next major version, PV*SOL premium 2024 R1. Right now, with 2023 R7, the only possibility is to define a inverter configuration with 4 times the Solax X3-Hybrid-15kW, and then connect the batteries to them and set the amount to 4 as well. But this only works if you have a 2D project or a 3D project without shadows. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  13. Hallo deafsquad, danke für die Projektdatei. Es handelt sich wohl um einen Darstellungsfehler, bzw werden einige Punkte auf der Kennlinie nicht ordentlich sortiert. Wenn man mit Rechtsklick auf das Diagramm geht und sich die Punkte in Excel darstellt, sieht man, dass alles in Ordnung ist: Wenn man dann aber die Punkte mit Linien verbindet, tritt das Problem hervor: Die Kennlinie ist also korrekt, nur leider in der Darstellung falsch mit Linien verbunden. Danke fürs Melden! Wir schauen uns das mal an und setzen es auf unsere Todo-Liste. Beste Grüße, Martin
  14. Hi Luís, yes, sure, you can have P90 or P70 or anything you want. Have a look here: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/en/pages/financial-analysis/bankability/ Note that this feature only works for PV system types without electrical appliances. Kind regards, Martin
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