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Frido last won the day on November 21 2023

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  1. Frido

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    Thanks for your response! II do (because I have to). But it's one more step (two more, since you will likely want to activate collision after again) that shouldn't be necessary in my opinion.
  2. Frido

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    When rotating an object, deactivate collisions while doing so. I am often unable to rotate something because it hits another object while rotating. Also, it would be more intuitive if the object would rotate around it’s geometric centre, and not it's base point.
  3. Hi Carlos! Given the UK as location, the results seem odd to me too. Also, the performance ratio is >100%, which (unsless Valentin Software defines it differently) is impossible. There for sure is something wrong with these results. Best Regards, Frido EDIT: Here is confirmation that the PR in PVSol can't ever be >1.
  4. Frido

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    When rotating any building or structure, it would be nice if the collision detection would not be active during the process. As the desired rotation is often not possible, just because there is something in the way while rotating.
  5. Frido

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    More default roof textures would be nice to have. E.g. tin sheet texture in different colours.
  6. Thanks again Jimmy. Sounds very helpful, I will give it a try onceI get around to it! Best Regards, Frido
  7. Frido

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    The option to choose which values to want to export, when exporting .csv files would be nice. So the exported files stay nice and compact. With minute values, I get files well above 2 GB.
  8. Hello, is there anyway to analyse the expected output (AC) current? I cannot find a single value with unit [A] in the Diagram Editor. Am I missing something, or is it just not existing? (2022 R3) Thanks, Frido
  9. Hi there, Had the same issue in the past too. In the settings of the 3D environment (wrench icon on the top left of your screen), there is an option that says “enlarge buttons” or something similar. Give that a try, and see if it helps. (Link with screenshot worked for me no problem btw) Greetings! Frido
  10. Frido

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    When moving any object in 3D, I‘d prefer if the mouse would not jump to the origin point of the object. Makes precisely placing large objects very difficult at times.
  11. Frido

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    When working of a Google Maps screenshot (Open Area Map Section), it would be nice to have an option to toggle visibility of said screenshot on and off. Also, when the Open Area Map Section is activated, the option to move the camera beyond its (screenshots) boundaries.
  12. Frido

    Standardwerte ändern

    Hallo jobo, meines Wissen nach ist das immer noch nicht möglich. Um mir diese Arbeit zu erleichtern mache ich i.d.R. folgendes: Ich erstelle ein Gebäude und stelle den Randabstand wie erforderlich ein. Wenn ich nun mehrere Gebäude des gleichen Typs brauche, kopiere ich mir dieses Gebäude, anstatt ein neues aus dem Menüband zu ziehen. Auch wenn man die Gebäude nun in ihren Dimensionen verändert, bleiben die eingestellten Randabstände erhalten. Gleiches gilt für Texturen. Hoffe das hilft. Beste Grüße.
  13. A reboot did the trick. Thanks!
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