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Everything posted by developer_fw

  1. Hello Oliver Stojchevski, welcome to the forum and thank you for your request. Unfortunately not. We have been in contact with https://meteonorm.com/ for quite a long time now since their compilation of data has changed with version 8. That is why we need to adapt our internal tool MeteoSyn to those changes in order to work correctly with PV*SOL. As long as our questions are unsettled we cannot provide those current data to our customers. One reason is deviations that we cannot yet explain. The input irradiation data is of the most important concern for us and we hope that our questions will be clarified soon. You don't have to put your license into PV*SOL, since we are paying for the climate data API ourselves. Best regards, Frederik
  2. Hi Santiago Fondoso, I'm afraid I might need a little bit more information. Could you provide a screenshot to illustrate your point? Best regards, Frederik
  3. Hi Santiago Fondoso, welcome and thank you for your request. Could you specify your question? What do you mean by collectors? Best regards, Frederik
  4. Hello Talal, the system type you are looking for -- offgrid plus electric car -- is not supported at the moment, I'm afraid. Best regards, Frederik
  5. Hi Jan Mackovic, could you send the two projects with the different module technologies so we can have a look? Best regards, Frederik
  6. Hallo Karl Barthe, wäre es möglich, mir die Projektdatei per privater Nachricht hier im Forum zukommen zu lassen? Sind bei der Planung viele Screenshots aus 3D angefertigt worden? Viele Grüße, Frederik
  7. Hello Fayez, unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. Please let me redirect to this thread: Best regards, Frederik
  8. Hello AG_0113, Please have a look at The electricity production costs is the sum of costs for the lifetime over the energy produced in the lifetime. Lifetime in this case means the period you are taking as a basis https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/en/calculation/financial-analysis/ Battery charging windows are not possible at the moment Service life is the estimated time, after which the battery reaches its maximum full cycles and might be exchanged, which means there might be more investments. To estimate those costs you get this lifetime estimation. Do you mean the assessment period? Questions regarding Remuneration and Savings section in Financial Analysis, Overview chapter: This is the value you get for feeding energy into the grid Those are the savings of energy from the grid you don't need. This value is dependent on the start date of operation. Own Use Remuneration: In some cases you have to pay for your self-generated energy. This is taken into account. Questions regarding Cash Flow section: Feed-in / Export Tariff– please explain what does it mean and how is calculated. Why this figure is different than “Total Payment from Utility in First Year” figure showed in Remuneration and Savings section in Financial Analysis, Overview chapter? This is the money you get for feeding in energy to the grid. The figure is different since you have to pay interest rate you set in the economic efficiency calculation window Electricity savings – please explain what does it mean and how is calculated. Why this figure is different than “First year savings” figure showed in Remuneration and Savings section in Financial Analysis, Overview chapter? Electricity savings are the costs that could be saved because less electricity had to be purchased at grid costs Please explain how you calculate savings and renumeration (in Remuneration and Savings section in Financial Analysis, Overview chapter and Cash Flow section. The savings are the savings of the energy you did not have to pay due to your own production and the renumeration is the value you get for feeding in your surplus energy Do I understand correct that: savings should be electricity you produce and consume (directly or through charging / discharging battery system) x price for electricity form the grid (variable part) This is correct renumeration should be electricity you produce and sell (feed-in) to the grid x price of feed-in electricity? This is also correct. But there also might be the renumeration costs if you have to pay those (e.g. It looks like PVSol is calculating Feed-in / Export tariff in Cash Flow section (or Total Payment from Utility in First Year in Remuneration and Savings section in Financial Analysis, Overview chapter) as sum of Feed-in / Export Tariff and Own Use Remuneration. This is correct and the parameters from the cashflow table take also the parameter "annual average return on capital employed" from the financial parameters into account. I hope this helps to clarify your questions. Best regards, Frederik
  9. Hi Youssef RAHMANI, sorry for the late answer. There is none such possibilty than to use this only method. If your model still is not oriented the right way, you have to do this with an external software, I'm afraid. E.g. https://www.blender.org/ Best regards, Frederik
  10. Hi Daniel, I forwarded your request to our database team. Meanwhile you could use https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2021/en/databases/components/pv-modules/ to create your own database entry so you could already continue your planning. The only unknown in the datasheets is the IAM which you could set to a conservative 0.95. When this last parameter is known, just exchange it in your own created entry to update your simulation results. Best regards, Frederik
  11. Hi Ola, could you send the project file via private message here in the forum? Best regards, Frederik
  12. Hi Marielle, our data is based on publications by Umweltbundesamt (UBA, the German Environment Agency) and is only valid for Germany. You might have to adapt it to local values. Additionally this value changes fast, so it is hard to give a long term valid default value in PV*SOL: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/entwicklung-der-spezifischen-kohlendioxid-5 https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/entwicklung-der-spezifischen-kohlendioxid-6 You can specify this value in the Project options > AC Mains: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2021/en/pages/system-type-climate-and-grid/#ac-mains Best regards, Frederik
  13. developer_fw


    Hi Faruk, you cannot change system data entries. Only after copying them changes are allowed. They get saved then as a new entry. From our online help https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2021/en/databases/components/ Best regards, Frederik
  14. developer_fw


    Hi Faruk, you can set the charging strategy within the database entry with regard to the state of charge. PV charging is preferred, but if a full charging is set, there might be used energy from the grid. Do you mean a time window when the battery should be charged from the grid? Best regards, Frederik
  15. Hi Younès81, did you try to deregister your serial number in the previous version? https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2021/en/start/registration/#license-terms Best regards, Frederik
  16. Hi Zeira Alford, welcome to the forum! At first, have a look at the (probably) same question from yesterday evening for more information why this might happen: Could you reduce the complexity of your model? Is your model a simple model in terms of as few vertices as possible? In case you don't get along, you could send the model via private message, so I could check it. Best regards, Frederik
  17. Portuguese version below Hello victorsilvareis, thank you for the following request: My first guess is, this could be either the complexity of your model or the sensitivity of our import library. The 3D import fails with too complex models, e.g. from drone scan pictures stitched together via photogrammetry. Do you have the possibility to simplify your model prior to the import? What kind of file are you trying to import (.obj, sketchup, ...)? Sometimes objects like trees, cars or adjacent buildings are unnecessary if they are placed beneath the module area. Try to simplify as far as possible. I'll use a translator for the portuguese, I hope this gets translated understandably. Best regards, Frederik ===================== Hello victorsilvareis, Meu primeiro palpite é que isto poderia ser a complexidade de seu modelo ou a sensibilidade de nossa biblioteca de importação. A importação 3D falha com modelos muito complexos, por exemplo, a partir de imagens de drone scan costuradas juntas via fotogrametria. Você tem a possibilidade de simplificar seu modelo antes da importação? Que tipo de arquivo você está tentando importar (.obj, sketchup, ...)? Às vezes objetos como árvores, carros ou edifícios adjacentes são desnecessários se forem colocados sob a área do módulo. Tente simplificar o máximo possível. Com os melhores cumprimentos, Frederik
  18. Hi R.Bajra, thank you for your explanation. I got it wrong at first. I added comments to your very good explanation: Energy balance/Feed-in concept: I choose SURPLUS ENERGY right? Yes, this is correct. Price of Electricity sold to Third party ?? Which value is this? I set to zero. When this function can be used? This value is used for direct marketing via a contract over a long period (several decades) to a third party which you don't need in your case. TAB Feed-In tariff: Feed-in / Export Tariff: 52,75 EUR/MWh Correct. Own consumption: I think I should define the energy price, which the consumer has? In my case this should be 70,28 EUR/MWh + 20,09 EUR/MWh = total 90,37 EUR/MWh. The fixed distribution cost should not be considered, since the cost for connection power stays, although the energy is selfconsumed. My question here is - should I put here this price as a input parameter? And what is the difference between remuneration/Fee. In Help I also read, that the energy used as charging energy for battery storage is taken into the consideration? This is what I got wrong. Yes, you can set this as own consumption. The difference of renumeration and fee is, if the price is getting calculated as renumeration or as fees in the end. Since 2014 the german tax authority introduced an amendment within the law EEG. So there are cases in which you have to pay for your own produced energy. The amount of renumerated own consumption is displayed with the simulation results in the table Financial Analysis: Generation tariff: no definition (for what this parameter is used) This is used, if you get paid for all the energy you produced and not only the energy you feed in e.g. TAB From-grid Tariff: Base price: 462,42 EUR/month Tarrif period: 70,28 EUR/MWh + 20,09 EUR/MWh = total 90,37 EUR/MWh (this number I put, cause as I understood right, I cannot define separate energy price EUR/kWh and Variable costs in EUR/kWh? Right? Absolutely correct. I think this should be sufficient for your use case. If you still have questions, please ask! Best regards, Frederik
  19. Hello Mateusz, yes, I am certain. In 3D mode the options dialogue is handled the same way as in the main PV*SOL program window: There are several "entry points" to this dialogue depending on where in the program you are. You can open the options dialogue from the page module configuration. Then it gets opened at the correct list entry on the left side directly: In case you are opening the options via the topmost settings icon the dialog gets opened at the list entry general: Import 3d models is part of this options dialogue. Best regards, Frederik
  20. Hello anees, I forwarded your request to our sales team with the email address you have registered here in the forum. In case this email is not the correct one, please write me a private message here in the forum. Best regards, Frederik
  21. Hello R.Bajra, the system type you chose does show a feed-in tariff section and a from-grid tariff section on the page Financial Analysis, in case you selected surplus feed-in as feed-in concept. For both of those tariffs you can create a new tariff with your prices. I must admit that I don't fully understand what you are trying to achieve, but I interpret it as: You want to feed-in your surplus but at the same time you need to pay for your normal grid connection as usual. What is the difference between customer price and price from grid you mentioned above? For the case I understood it is as follows: From Grid: Since the costs for base and others are per kWh you could add them up as energy price. You cannot enter them separately in PV*SOL, but since they are per kWh you can easily split them up afterwards (I assume you did mean EURcent/kWh). The distribution costs seem to be the base price. For the feed-in tariff: Does this answer your question? Best regards, Frederik
  22. Hi Mateusz, sorry for the late response! The Standard values dropdown sets the values for Minimal dimensions and Plane tolerance. Those are default values for the algorithm which tries to determine mounting surfaces onto your imported objects. Exact 3D objects: Objects that were created with a proper 3D software like e.g. https://www.blender.org/ or SketchUp. Since those models have low or no noise regarding their planes, the minimal dimensions of a detected plane is bigger, the plane tolerance is lower, since those planes are almost always in the same plane. Auto-generated meshes: Those models show a lot of noise and therefore it is harder to detect planes which are supposed to be connected to one plane. Therefore the minimal dimensions are set lower, but at the same time the tolerance of those planes laying in a shared plane is bigger, so even a noisier model can be detected correctly. Manual input: You can set your own values. This was a beta feature and since you can change the values even if you set a preset value from the dropdown menu, this is inconsistent and confusing. Those settings are getting used when opening the context menu (RIGHT CLICK) > edit and choosing the beta feature: I hope this helps! Best regards, Frederik
  23. Guten Tag Karl BArthe, ist unter Optionen > Simulationsergebnisse eingestellt, dass keine Ergebnisse in den Projektdateien mit abgespeichert werden? Viele Grüße, Frederik
  24. Hi Faruk, at the moment PV*SOL is no real-time application where you could stream data to, so there is no possibility to use weather forecast data. What kind of usecase do you have? Best regards, Frederik
  25. Hello pawelole, unfortunately this is indeed a bug in our configuration lib. Thank you for reporting! It is getting fixed. Best regards, Frederik
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