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Everything posted by developer_fw

  1. Hallo F.Huber, wenn Datenbankeinträge noch nicht vorhanden sind, bitte eine Email an database@valentin-software.com schreiben, dann werden die Hersteller angefragt, diese in unserer Onlinedatenbank nachzutragen. In der Zwischenzeit können die Module mit Hilfe eines Datenblattes auch manuell als Datenbankeinträge angelegt werden. https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2021/de/datenbanken/komponenten/pvmodule/ Viele Grüße, Frederik
  2. Hello anees, thank you for your report! Do you use the native screen resolution or do you use a scale setting in your display settings? There you will find an option for scaling. We did fix scaling issues in a previous release, therefore I want to make sure this is not related. Best regards, Frederik
  3. Hi Sunny, the automatic configuration has got its limits. Have a look at the model SMA Sunny Tripower CORE2 e.g., which offers a high number of MPP trackers and is able to consume high input powers. You should be able to realize your project with 5 inverters of this type. Best regards, Frederik
  4. Hi erb, Would you be so kind and please send me the logfile of PV*SOL via personal message here in the forum? While PV*SOL is open press CTRL+L to show the log file. Thanks in advance and best regards, Frederik
  5. Hi erb, are you sure this is related to OPs initial question? Does PV*SOL start but not load any project file? Or does it not even start? More details would help a lot in narrowing down the problem. Best regards, Frederik
  6. Hi Michał please refer to this thread, I made a short video showing the steps: Best regards, Frederik
  7. Hi Julius, I made a short video showing the steps. Best regards, Frederik power-optimizer-placement.mkv
  8. Hi Martynas, sorry for the late response. Could you send the project file via private message? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Frederik
  9. Hi anees, this sounds very much like a malware scanner problem. Do you have an antivirus scanner installed? Please whitelist PV*SOL in your antivirus scanner, since otherwise the scanners remove temporary files needed by our program. This is just one possibility. If PV*SOL starts regularly, could you send me your log file via private message? Press CTRL+L to open the logfile folder. Best regards, Frederik
  10. Hallo K24, könnten Sie bitte eine Projektdatei per privater Nachricht hier im Forum schicken? Danke und viele Grüße, Frederik
  11. Hi Didier, could you send us the project file where this error occurs via private message here in the forum? Did you file an error report? Best regards, Frederik
  12. Hi Ryan PSE, could you send the project file via private message here in the forum so we can have a look? We do not offer simulation tasks so far. Best regards, Frederik
  13. Hi K24, do you have a project file where this occurs? You can send it via private message here in the forum. Best regards, Frederik
  14. Hi Ramush, could you please be more specific? Do you have a climate file and a project file to send me via private message? Thanks in advance and best regards, Frederik
  15. Hallo Mathias, bei einer 3D Planung findet sich die Moduldegradation nach Verlassen der 3D-Planung hier Ein minimales Tutorial zur Anlagenplanung mit PV*SOL findet sich in unserer Onlinehilfe: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2021/de/navigationsseiten/#kurzanleitung-netzgekoppelte-pv-anlage Ich hoffe, das hilft weiter. Beste Grüße, Frederik
  16. Hallo Mathias, die Moduldegradation kann an gewohnter Stelle bearbeitet werden: Wo genau tritt das Problem auf? Beste Grüße, Frederik
  17. Hi Yash Bhosale, Definitely, I tested the coordinates with openstreetmap before: MeteoSyn or MeteoNorm puts those off: We're on it. Best regards, Frederik
  18. Hi Yash, that is weird, I tried your file and it doesn't show up in the Austrian list but in Slovakia! We investigate this issue in MeteoNorm/MeteoSyn. Best regards, Frederik
  19. Hi Yash, no, the import only imports the climate data. You have to select the data separately. Best regards, Frederik
  20. Hi Danielg, could you specify your question? Best regards, Frederik
  21. Hi Yash, please refer to this thread: Your file uses SPACE characters instead of TAB characters at the marked spots: I hope this helps! Best regards, Frederik
  22. Hi coolmmhxb, could you specify your question? Best regards, Frederik
  23. Hi patrik k, the contact to the company is http://www.sbs-softwaresysteme.de/site/303/Kontakt.aspx Best regards, Frederik
  24. Hi TestUser, this sounds weird. There are several possibilities here: Many users have to whitelist PV*SOL for their malware scanners preventing the deletion of temporary files needed by PV*SOL. This is just a first thought. Could you send the LOG-File via private message? Maybe this reveals more detailed information for us. You can find the log files here: C:\ProgramData\Valentin EnergieSoftware\log There should be a file called PVSOLpremium.log Best regards, Frederik
  25. Hello kornelsoooon, hello Georg, might you be so kind to send me the project files via private message here in the forum? We are bugfixing and would like to verify the fix with more projects. Thank you very much in advance and best regards, Frederik
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