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Everything posted by developer_mh

  1. Hi Ryan, it is hard to say what makes your system crash with a 2 MW system if the 3 MW was no problem. Could you provide the project file, please? You can send it here via private message in the forum. Kind regards, Martin
  2. Hello J. Holovsky, the approach that you followed is the right one to achieve the result that you intend. What do you mean by "PV*SOL is not respecting the arrays"? Here is a quick how to. Let's say you have a module area and a chimney in the middle. You want to connect the 8 modules around the chimney to a different inverter than the other modules. Go to the tab "Module configuration" Select the 8 modules with the mouse Right click on "Add to 'Define Module Areas' Dialog" Go to "Define Module Areas" dialog, you'll see the 8 modules there already Click "Import all unconfigured" on the upper left to import the remaining modules Then click "Configure" at the bottom. You can now configure the 8 modules independently Hope that helps. If you have any other question, please don't hesitate to ask. Kind regards, Martin
  3. Dear Anthony, the degradation calculation is not directly part of the energy simulation in PV*SOL, but rather part of the economic calculations. So, in the energy balance you see the values without degradation of the module. In the diagram "Energy over observation period" you see the annual PV energy, reduced by the degradation. These figures serve as input for the economic calculations. We calculate the degradation on a monthly basis, so depending on the installation date of your system, it might happen that even in the first year there is a notable degradation, i.e you'll see a difference between the un-degraded energy balance and the first column of the degradation diagram. You can copy all tables and diagrams by selecting and right-clicking them. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  4. Hallo Ralf, eine Möglichkeit wäre, das Batteriesystem zu kopieren und dann bei den Ladestrategie-Parametern den minimalen SOC hochzustellen: Zu der Sortierung der Batteriesysteme: Momentan werden sie standardmäßig nach ihrer Nennleistung sortiert, so wie z.B. die PV-Wechselrichter auch. Man kann aber auch zur großen Übersicht gehen, und dort nach anderen Größen sortieren, sowie suchen und filtern. Dadurch kommt man gerade bei vielen Batteriesystemen wahrscheinlich schneller zum Ziel: Viele Grüße, Martin
  5. Hello Ryan, would it be possible to send me the file that you imported? You can send it to me by private message here in the forum, thank you. Kind regards, Martin
  6. Hi Sondre207, in general, the position of a building over ground is not important for the shading simulation and will not affect the results. Only if you have other objects that surround the house (or the PV system) it is important to have all set to the correct height and z-position (vertically). Kind regards, Martin
  7. Hi Huseyin, yes, this is possible. You'll have to create a *.dat file from your measured values (global irradiance, ambient temperature, relative humdity and wind speed), following the format description here: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2021/en/pages/system-type-climate-and-grid/meteosyn/#options Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  8. Hi Lukáš, in your case you are analysing a project with net metering economy calculation. Net metering tariffs work like that: At the end of the tariff period (usually a month), you check the balance between grid feed-in and consumption from the grid. For every kWh that you consume more than you feed in, you have to pay the price stated in the tariff. If you produce more than you consume, you don't have to pay. Because of this mechanism, battery system are rarely able to produce a positive effect on the economy of net metering projects. Compare these diagrams from your projects: Without battery you are feeding in 5683 kWh and taking 7455 kWh. Balance is 1772 kWh. With battery you are feeding in less, 3014 kWh, but you are also taking less, 5325 kWh. Balance is 2331 kWh. So, in the latter case, your balance is worse from an economical point of view, mostly because of the losses in the battery. Hope that answers your question, kind regards, Martin
  9. Hi Alberto, we are aware of the issue, but right now it is not possible to change the simulation year. What you would have to do is the following: 2019 started with a Tuesday, 2014 started with a Wednesday If you import a load profile from 2019, its first day with measurement data is referring to a Tuesday, but you need a Wednesday. So you have to cut the first day of data from the load profile before importing Append this cut out data to the end of the file to fill the year (2014 ends with a Wednesday, 2019 with a Tuesday, so you need one day more at the end - the day you removed from the beginning) Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  10. Hi Reint, this is correct, the only two options are hourly and one-minute values. Kind regards, Martin
  11. Dear dom bez kostów, I used deepl.com to translate your question into English: Unfortunately, I am not sure what the question is. The translation might be misleading. You can view, edit, save and export the circuit diagram, enter all the electrical devices you want, dimension the cables and so on, no problem. You can do so on the plan and the cabling pages: If this doesn't answer you question, please don't hesitate to ask again. Kind regards, Martin
  12. Dear Martynas, after the simulation, you can check the energy balance of the system. You can find it on the results page, here: There are all kinds of losses that occur in a PV system, from the irradiance coming in to the AC energy leaving the inverter and everything in between. There are also temperature related losses (for the PV module), but the temperature derating of the inverter is not accounted for. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  13. Hi Lukas, could you provide a project file for us, please? This would make it easier to answer the question. You can send it by private message to me, here in the forum, thank you. Kind regards, Martin
  14. Hi GIM, I think the beast way in your case would be to model the 3D building in an external 3D modelling software like sketchup and then import it in your PV*SOL projects. Unfortunately it is not possible right now to export 3D models from PV*SOL and then re-import them. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  15. developer_mh

    Height Value

    Hi Jorge, as GIM pointed out, you'll need to enter the correct decimal separator. Usually the decimal separator that is valid in PV*SOL is the same as in your Windows settings. In my case here it is a point, but in other cases it might be a comma. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  16. Hi yrnaknt, this just means that you have to select a system in the tree view first, before being able to have the cablig done automatically: Select a system and then click "Cable automatically", then it will work. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  17. Hallo Sven, diese Frage hat schon in der Vergangenheit immer wieder die Gemüter erhitzt. Der betreffende Passus lautet im EEG so: Mittlerweile hat sich die Auffassung durchgesetzt, dass es sich dabei um die AC-Nennleistung der Wechselrichter handelt. Technisch gesehen macht das natürlich auch am ehesten Sinn. Ganz interessant ist folgender Artikel: https://www.sfv.de/artikel/ac_statt_dc_-_wegfall_einer_bremse_fuer_die_photovoltaik_im_eeg_2014 Viele Grüße, Martin
  18. Hallo C. Drexel, der Pfad deutet darauf hin, dass es sich um die Startmenü-Verknüpfung handelt, die wohl verschwunden ist. Das installierte Programm sollte hier zu finden sein, wenn im Installationsprozess kein anderer Pfad angegeben wurde: C:\Program Files (x86)\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL premium 2021 R3\PVSOLpremium.exe Oder im Fall von PV*SOL 2021 R3 (nicht premium): C:\Program Files (x86)\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL 2021\PVSOL.exe Wenn die exe-Datei dort nicht mehr zu finden ist, würde ich empfehlen, das Programm einfach erneut zu installieren. Wenn die exe vorhannden ist, kann man einen Rechtsklick darauf machen und "Zu Start hinzufügen" wählen, damit erscheint das Programm dann wieder im Startmenü. Viele Grüße und viel Erfolg, Martin
  19. Dear Majd Elewi, there are several areas of PV*SOL premium where you can import data from other programs and in different formats. For example, you can import you own climate data (e.g. from Meteonorm or Meteotest or any other climate data provider). Or you can import your own load profiles (usually in *.csv or *.txt format). In the 3D environment you can import 3D models from nearly any 3D modelling software that exists on the market - we support the following formats: Program / Format Extension Collada (.dae) Blender 3D (.blend) 3ds Max 3DS (.3ds) 3ds Max ASE (.ase) Wavefront Object (.obj) Stanford Polygon Library (.ply) LightWave (.lwo) Stereolithography (.stl) DirectX X (.x) Milkshape 3D (.ms3d) In the 3D environment you can also import any picture (jpg/png/bmp) like floor plans, satellite or drone imagery and so on. I hope this answers your question, kind regards, Martin
  20. Hallo Engelen, automatisch geht das Einfügen von thermischen Trennung leider (noch) nicht, das müsste man händisch machen. Also jeweils Reihen von 11 Modulen (bzw. 22 wegen Ost/West) aufziehen und so platzieren, dass dazwischen der Abstand für die thermische Trennung oder Wartungsgänge entsteht: Beste Grüße, Martin
  21. Hallo Jan, für Österreich ist der Klimadatenzeitraum 1991 bis 2010 immer noch der aktuellste. Für Deutschland konnten wir den Zeitraum auf 1995-2012 aktualisieren und arbeiten daran, dass für die anderen Länder der Zeitraum 1996-2015 kommt. Einen genauen Termin für die Integration können wir aber derzeit leider nicht nennen. Beste Grüße, Martin
  22. Hi Charita, I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. But connecting 20 modules per string to MPPT 1-2 and 18 per string to MPPT 3-10 should be no problem. It all depends on the PV modules and the inverter with their respective electrical data. But if you enter your system design in PV*SOL, you will get precise feedback if your configuration is good or not. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  23. Hi Burak, the 0,4 ct/kWh is the so called "Management Prämie" that shall compensate for the extra cost that a PV system owner has when he or she is opting for the "Direktvermarktung" In the numbers published by the "Bundesnetzagentur" those 0,4 ct/kWh are already included: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Sachgebiete/Energie/Unternehmen_Institutionen/ErneuerbareEnergien/ZahlenDatenInformationen/PV_Datenmeldungen/DegressionsVergSaetze_11-01_21.html They provide an Excel file that you can download, and in there there is a sheet called "Beispiele". There they state: As you can see, the 0,4 ct/kWh are already included (and have to be subtracted if not opting for Direktvermarktung). In PV*SOL, the tariffs are up-to-date and can be used as-is. Notice the 0,4 ct/kWh difference: I would also recommend these pages here, they explain the whole thing quite well: https://www.next-kraftwerke.de/wissen/managementpraemie Kind regards, Martin
  24. Hi Ricardo, the active power will be capped. The output power clipping is based on the apparent power, say S_max. With cos φ = 1, the system will not produce reactive power, so active power equals apparent power, and the maximum power output is P_max = S_max. When the cos φ is smaller than 1, the maximum active power output will be reduced by this factor (while the maximum apparent output power remains the same), since P_max = S_max * cos φ. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
  25. Dear Ricardo, unfortunately we don't have a detailed explanation of each item of the energy balance yet. But this is a good suggestion, we will put it on our request list for extending the help pages. The "Down-regulation on account of the max. AC Power/cos phi" takes place when the AC power of the PV system is higher than the maximum AC output of the inverter. In this case the inverter has to regulate the output power down to the maximum permissible power (by choosing another poit on the IV characteristics if the PV field on the DC side). The cos phi will reduce the maximum permissible power output of the inverter, of course, if not equal to 1. Hope that helps, kind regards, Martin
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