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Everything posted by developer_fw

  1. Hello anees, your battery capacity is 61.4kWh. So when the battery SOC is 100% from the beginning of the simulation, the missing 0.4kWh in the results are due to rounding errors. Kind regards, Frederik
  2. Hello simon_sand, thank you for reporting this issue. There seem to be a lot of visibility issues regarding the 3D editor in combination with Windows 11 and screens having a large resolution. Could you give some more information about your setup? Do you use several screens? Does one screen have a high resolution where you did set up a scaling greater than 100% and a scaling of 100% on a second screen? Thanks for more hints of your setup in advance and kind regards! Frederik
  3. Hi Kavgic, Geht wieder! Viele Grüße, Frederik
  4. Hi Jordn, Yes, there is! A right click onto the graph let you copy the monthly values. This comes in handy for graphs with more than one data point... PV Generator Energy (AC grid) Appliances Standby Consumption (Inverter) Battery Energy for the Covering of Consumption Battery Charge (PV System) Battery Charge (Grid) Energy from Grid Grid Feed-in Month W W W W W W W W Jan 79.7 -318 -0.8 36.6 -31.7 0 234.2 0 Feb 123.9 -287.9 -0.6 38.7 -51.7 0 177.6 0 Mar 249.6 -325.3 -0.6 89 -122.5 -1.5 118.6 -7.2 Apr 321.3 -323.3 -0.5 112.3 -145.5 -0.3 56.7 -20.8 May 425.7 -333.9 -0.4 125.8 -164.7 -3.3 34.5 -83.7 Jun 361.6 -328.5 -0.4 127 -173.6 -0.9 24.7 -9.9 Jul 386.2 -346.2 -0.4 131.6 -171 -4.6 28.5 -24.1 Aug 371 -347 -0.5 140.1 -180.2 -0.6 29.8 -12.5 Sep 255.8 -331.7 -0.5 88.4 -115.3 0 103.4 0 Oct 165.7 -333.9 -0.6 49.2 -62.6 0 182.2 0 Nov 68.4 -324.6 -0.7 9.2 -12.8 0 260.5 0 Dec 63.4 -328.7 -0.8 13.1 -19.6 0 272.7 0 Kind regards, Frederik
  5. Hello anees, could you be more specific what you did exactly? Did you create a new location? Does this always occur? I cannot reproduce your issue so I do need more information. Thanks in advance. Usually you should be able to select a location and create a new climate data set for the selected location. Kind regards, Frederik
  6. Hello Ajay Deepak thank you for the input! A maximum short circuit current per MPP is a parameter planned for our upcoming release. Kind regards, Frederik
  7. Hello Ajay Deepak, Thank you for your input! At the moment there is no plan to add more input parameters. I will bring this into our feature discussions. What I also can offer is a result comparison for some simulations to get a feeling for effort benefit ratio. Kind regards, Frederik
  8. Hello Dan Ogden, You did put this right, it is the investment costs of your customer. You can create your own from-grid tariff with those 0.34p per kWh: You have to put this value as Consumption. If you have measured values, perfect. If not, you have to estimate typical distributions. You have to create your own feed-in tariff with the value of 7.5p per kWh: The 990 is specific, which means 990kWh per kWp. Regarding you 32.4kWp generator output this yields to ~32,000kWh. I hope this gives some hints into the right direction! If you have further questions, feel free to ask! Kind regards, Frederik
  9. Hallo Old_Engineer, danke für den Input. Ich habe es weiter geleitet. Viele Grüße, Frederik
  10. Hallo SMARTechSolar, leider ist es so, dass die Polystring-Verschaltung im Kabelplan damals nicht fertig implementiert wurde, wodurch es zu Fehlern und Abstürzen kam. Wir mussten es deaktivieren, wie bei aufgeständerten Modulen auch. Bedeutet in diesem Fall Code, für den nach unseren Abschätzungen beschlossen wurde, dass das Aufwand-Nutzen-Verhältnis zu groß ist, statt ihn neu zu schreiben. Ja, das ist für die Zukunft geplant, aber es ist nicht klar, wann wir das einbauen können werden. Momentan liegt die Priorität darauf, ein neues lauffähiges 3D zu erstellen. Viele Grüße, Frederik
  11. Hello StefanTM, I think I misunderstood your question. I was looking for Victron batteries, found those in our database and jumped to the conclusion that you were trying to connect several different batteries to one inverter. It is possible to configure such a system. The Victron Quattro does not yet exist in our database, but you can add it manually to your database (https://www.victronenergy.com/inverters-chargers/quattro). Unfortunately we cannot simulate the standalone offgrid functionality of the Quattro, only as a battery inverter. Kind regards, Frederik
  12. Hello Ajay Deepak Thank you for your input! We did this already some weeks ago, it will be available with the upcoming version. Kind regards, Frederik
  13. I want to add the crucial link to our online help: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2022/en/start/registration/#license-terms Kind regards, Frederik
  14. Hello Go green BG, I just asked our sales team for your request, which arrived a few hours ago. Please be patient, they will answer you as fast as possible. Kind regards, Frederik
  15. Hi anees, I assume this is connected to the following thread: Kind regards, Frederik
  16. Hello anees, your battery is simply too small. 5kW charging/discharging power faces 450kWp from your photovoltaic system (a ratio of 1:90). This leads to high energy amounts per time step in which case the battery simply refuses to charge or discharge since it cannot deliver. By increasing the connecting battery powers and capacity you can get into domains where your battery is able to handle relevant energies: I hope this points you into the right direction! Kind regards, Frederik
  17. Hello Maria Eduarda This unfortunately still seems to happen sometimes. I opened a new ticket regarding your issue and forwarded it to our 3D developer. Kind regards, Frederik
  18. Hello Richard Fotland Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your error. Could you be more specific which steps you did take to get to this message? I did the following: Create a new 3D system with a map section: # Draw a polygon onto the map section: Extrude the object as arbitrary building Right click and activate the building Create Parapet wall I'd like to help but need more information. Kind regards, Frederik
  19. Hallo Kavgic, im Grunde genommen ja. Die TMYs (Typical meterological year) werden folgendermaßen erstellt: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2022/de/berechnungsgrundlagen/einstrahlung/klimadaten/#was-sind-klimadatens%C3%A4tze-was-bedeutet-typical-meteorological-year Viele Grüße, Frederik
  20. Hello franc, frankly, it is a big leap from 2019 to 2021, by the way 2022 is out right now. We did lots of bug fixing plus we try to keep the input climate data up to date, there will be differences. But I must admit that the simulation results seem a bit too off. Might you be so kind to send me the exact version numbers of the PV*SOL programs (Menu bar > Help > Info > System) plus the project files so we can have a look into it? What exactly do you mean by that? Kind regards, Frederik
  21. Hi Mark Culpin, I assume you are trying to do this cabling for a mounted system. Unfortunately this is not possible. Kind regards, Frederik
  22. Hello OnTe_, sorry for coming back this late to you, your request got lost. Could you send the file again? Kind regards, Frederik
  23. Hi bene-solar, Unter Optionen > Projektoptionen > Simulation können die Kennlinien für Module aufgezeichnet werden. Nach einer Simulation können diese im Diagrammeditor für den jeweiligen Zeitschritt betrachtet werden: Mit einem Rechtsklick auf die Graphik können die Werte kopiert werden. Viele Grüße, Frederik
  24. Hello Otakar, I assume you do mean the values within the parts list. There must not be another Inverter since it is a hybrid one? I created a ticket to fix this within the parts list. Kind regards, Frederik
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