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Differences between EEG


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Hi Burak,

the term EEG refers to the German law "Erneuerbare Energien-Gesetz", so if your PV system isn't located in Germany, these tariffs are not applicable for your system.

If your system is in Germany, however, you can choose if you want to receive the standard EEG tariffs (which basically means that you are selling the energy to your utility company to a fixed rate that is defined by the law, the EEG). Or you can choose to sell your energy directly to a third party, which is called "Direktvermarktung". In this case you receive payments from two sources: Your customer pays for the electricity that you are selling, and in addition you receive a "Marktprämie" from the utility that covers at least the difference between the energy price at which you are selling and the fixed feed-in tariff from option 1.

You will find a lot of resources on the internet if you search for ""EEG Marktprämienmodell", but of course, most of it will be in German.

Hope that helps, kind regards,


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Hi Martin,


thank you for detailed and valuable information. When I checked in internet, direktvermaktung cost is 0,4 ct/kWh. I would like to ask more: If I choose this Martkprämie in PVSOL, how/where can I include that Direktvermarktungkosten in PVSOL? 


Thanks in advance! 



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Hi Burak,

the 0,4 ct/kWh is the so called "Management Prämie" that shall compensate for the extra cost that a PV system owner has when he or she is opting for the "Direktvermarktung"

In the numbers published by the "Bundesnetzagentur" those 0,4 ct/kWh are already included:


They provide an Excel file that you can download, and in there there is a sheet called "Beispiele". There they state:



As you can see, the 0,4 ct/kWh are already included (and have to be subtracted if not opting for Direktvermarktung).

In PV*SOL, the tariffs  are up-to-date and can be used as-is. Notice the 0,4 ct/kWh difference:




I would also recommend these pages here, they explain the whole thing quite well:



Kind regards,


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  • 5 weeks later...

To my knowledge, the system operator receives Ausfallvergütung only under special conditions, like when Einspeisevergütung or Direktvermarktung fails.

Even then, the operator has to apply for Ausfallvergütung to receive the compensation. So these are very special cases and I don't think it's possible to calculate in PVSol

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