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Import of 3d models into pv*sol


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I have tried a lot of things (file types) when importing models from DroneDeploy. Usually, the texture is as washed out for me as it is for you. I have managed to import models with vibrant textures in the past (don’t ask me how, it was luck more than anything). However, once I saved and reopened the 3D Visualization, the texture is either washed out again or (parts of it are) missing completely. Unfortunately I have also found that importing such models increases your chance of crashing PVSOL. Therefore, I do not bother anymore, and would not recommend putting time into this.


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  • 3 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello there!

There could be several reasons for missing textures:

  • The bitmap of the texture file is too big. Maximum supported resolution is 2048 by 2048 pixels.
  • The texture file could not be located, since it is located in the wrong path or the path to the texture file (map_Kd) within the *.mtl file is broken.
  • The value of Ks within the *.mtl file does not equal 0 (zero). In this case you should substitute all values within the file.


Kind regards

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