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feed-in control Simulation


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Hello dear PVSol team,

I have a few questions! Which results are more precise when applying feed-in control. should the minute values be activated for <10 kWp PV systems?

Is there a specific diffuse radiation model that gives better results in this case?

Thanks in advance and best regards!

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Hi K24,

as Vishnu pointed out, the activation of minute values is most of all important if you have sizing factors of above 115 %, or if you have battery systems or electrical appliances that are involved.

If your DC/AC ratio is about 1, and you just want to analyse the feed in, you might be well off with hourly values. But I would always recommend to compare the results at least once. Just simulate your PV system with hourly values, save the results somewehre, and then simulate the same system with one-minute values. Then you'll directly see the differences for your specific case.

Our recommendation for the diffuse model is Hofmann (disclaimer: that is me), but we don't recommend it just like that, we have scientific evidence that it performs best under nearly all conditions (especially when using one-minute resolution).

See more on diffuse irradiation models here:


Kind regards,


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