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Hi Martin,

I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am having a challenge  uploading my last two (2) measured climate data files into PVSol. I have converted the files into .DAT  format, as per the instructions but I keep getting "Conversion failed, Formatting error" message  whenever I try to upload same into PVSol. 

I have attached the two (2) files for your kind review and support. Could you please convert them into .DAT file for me.  I am  using  PVSOl Premium 2019 (R10)



MLow Values.xlsx MHigh Values.xlsx


Hi Dongash,

I guess it is line 3, as mentioned in our previous conversation, and the whitespace (space) right after the column name "Ta". Copy the values from your Excel sheet to a text file, remove the (invisible) tabs in line 3 and at the end of lines 1 and 2, remoe also the whitespace after Ta in line 4 (only the space, not the tab), then save as *.dat. That should work.


This doesn't import.


This works.

Hope that helps, kind regards,


  • 9 months later...

Hello Nasr,

there are values missing at the end of the file. You should provide 8760 rows with values, one row for each hour of the year. So, including the header, the last line number of the file should be 8764.

Kind regards,



1.which text editor you are using

2.can you please explain what do you mean by a tab between  Ta and Gh and Gh and FF

3. i tried this it doesn't worked for me i have also attached the screenshot and file.

4.can you please update the file and send it to me.



  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...


I have a question regarding importing data file. Does data file need to have only these 4 variables (temperature, GHI, humidity and wind) or there is a possibility to add DHI into climate file?


Hi Beva991,

3 hours ago, Beva991 said:

Does data file need to have only these 4 variables (temperature, GHI, humidity and wind)

the import data must be specified with only those four values. Otherwise MeteoSyn gives a format error. An option to use DHI is not supported.

Kind regards,

  • 7 months later...

Hello Astrid Schneider

33 minutes ago, Astrid Schneider said:

is it possible to import other weather files such as .epw or .CSV files into PV*SOL?

Yes, we do support character separated value files! Please have a look into our online help where you can find the mandatory file formatting: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2023/en/pages/system-type-climate-and-grid/meteosyn/#options

Kind regards

  • 1 year later...

I now have the same error - Conversion failed, Formating error?

I checked all of the errors made above, but nothing helped.
Also, I already got it to work with another file and I cannot see the difference, why the second one does not work.

Would be grateful for some help,



Dear Leonie,

Thank you for your inquiry.

The name of the location should be in inverted commas:


A few entries were missing in lines 1626 to 1629. We have copied in the entries from the previous day. We were then able to import the climate data. Enclosed you will find the file we edited.


It looks like this in the selection:



  • Thanks 1

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