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issue with the menu bar in 3d design

AJ Alriyadh

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When designing in 3d mode, the menu bar where objects, such as walls, trees, ...etc,  can be added doesn't appear and cannot be configured to do so. I have tried all possible scaling options (e.g. change the monitor, adjusting the scale of apps) without success. I have contacted the technical and sales teams, but no response. I also asked other users and they reported the same problem. We own a solar system design company in the middle east and trying to use PV*SOL as the main designing software. The software seems the most promising platform for solar design out there, but with such a disappointing issue and response, we are currently looking for alternatives. We really hope this would improve. Please check the attachment below for more information.




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Hello AJ Alriyadh,

thank you for reporting this bug. We already know of it, but unfortunately we cannot reproduce the error so at the moment we can't find the source of the error. But you can try the following workaroud, which helps most of our customers who experience the same problem:

Install the newest version of PV*SOL premium (right now it is 2018 R3)

  • Run it once and close it, so that you find the file PVSOL.ini in this folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL premium 2019\PVSOL.ini
  • Open it in a text editor and search for the element <MainPagerWider>0</MainPagerWider>
  • Change it to <MainPagerWider>-1</MainPagerWider> and save the file
  • Start PV*SOL premium

Could you tell us if your menu bars are visible now in the 3D visualisation?

Thanks a lot and sorry for the inconvenience caused,


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Hi keirm,

did you try to apply this work-around here:


Also there is a bug when trying to switch between map providers.

This should be fixed in the new release, PV*SOL premium 2021 R3.



There is also a bug on the first 3d visualization screen, there is a menu off to the right that I cant see, if I click the arrow to open the text opens off to the right of my screen.

Could you provide a screenshot, please? Also, does this behaviour disappear when you apply the above mentioned work-around?


Hope that helps, kind regards,


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