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Display Error on PV SOL 3D design

Caio Monteiro

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Hi everyone,


I´m trying to use the 3d modeling tool on PV SOL 2018, but it just don´t shows its icons maybe because of the resolution of my screen, but i´ve tried every resolution since 1280 x 720 px to 3840 x 2160 px but nothing worked.

PS :Few weeks ago everithing was working fine.

OS: WIndows 10


Cesar Monteiro

error PVSOL.png

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Hi Cesar,

we had several customers with this bug. Unfortunately we still haven't identied the real source of the problem. But in PV*SOL premium 2018 R10 we added some UI enhancements that should minimize the impact of this bug. Which version are you using. And when you say " Few weeks ago everithing was working fine. " could you tell us what happened in the meanwhile? Did you update PV*SOL, oder Windows? Or some graphics drivers perhaps?

Every information is helpful! Thanks a lot, kind regards,


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Hi Martin, thanks for the prompt reply.

It's the same OS and the same laptop.

I always keep both Windows and PVSOL updated.

Do you have any idea to solve this issue?  An older version of PVSOL?

PVSOLpremium.exe	2018.10.43.0	31/8/2018 17:15
PVSOL.sdf	5.0.3	23/10/2018 10:31
EnergySoftware.Common.BinFiles.dll	15/11/2017 16:33
EnergySoftware.Common.CAD.dll	2018.10.43	31/8/2018 17:08
EnergySoftware.Common.dll	2018.10.43.0	31/8/2018 17:09
EnergySoftware.Common.Forms.dll	2018.10.43.0	31/8/2018 17:09
EnergySoftware.Common.UnitConversion.dll	31/8/2018 17:10
EnergySoftware.Lm.dll	7/6/2018 18:26
EnergySoftware.Lm.Net.dll	31/8/2018 17:10
EnergySoftware.MeteoSyn.Api.dll	4.0.146	31/8/2018 17:10
EnergySoftware.MeteoSyn.dll	4.0.146	31/8/2018 17:10
EnergySoftware.PV.AutomaticVs.dll	2018.10.43	31/8/2018 17:11
EnergySoftware.PV.Calculation.dll	2018.10.43.0	31/8/2018 17:11
EnergySoftware.PV.Contracts.dll	2018.10.43.0	31/8/2018 17:11
EnergySoftware.PV.DB.dll	2018.10.43.0	31/8/2018 17:11
EnergySoftware.PV.ResultLogger.dll	2018.10.43	31/8/2018 17:12
EnergySoftware.PV.Serialization.dll	2018.10.43	31/8/2018 17:12
EnergySoftware.PV.Serialization.XmlSerializers.dll	2018.10.43.0	31/8/2018 17:12
EnergySoftware.PV.Shared.dll	2018.10.43	31/8/2018 17:12
EnergySoftware.Simulation.Constants.dll	31/8/2018 17:12
EnergySoftware.Simulation.dll	31/8/2018 17:13
EnergySoftware.Simulation.Math.dll	31/8/2018 17:13
EnergySoftware.SimulationElectricalSystems.dll	31/8/2018 17:13
EnergySoftware.SimulationGeneral.dll	31/8/2018 17:13
EnergySoftware.SimulationLibrary.dll	31/8/2018 17:13
assimp_pvsol.dll	31/8/2018 17:07
Pvsoldll.dll	31/8/2018 17:07
Visual3D.dll	31/8/2018 17:07

Sistema operacional: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
.Net Framework Version: 4.0.30319.42000


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Hi Caio,

perhaps you could try the following:

  • Install the newest version of PV*SOL premium (right now it is 2018 R10, soon it will be 2019 R1)
  • Run it once and close it, so that you find the file PVSOL.ini in this folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL premium 2019\PVSOL.ini
  • Open it in a text editor and search for the element <MainPagerWider>0</MainPagerWider>
  • Change it to <MainPagerWider>-1</MainPagerWider> and save the file
  • Start PV*SOL premium

Could you tell us if your menu bars are visible now in the 3D visualisation?

Thanks a lot and sorry for the inconvenience caused,


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  • 2 years later...

Hi Juliana,

the reason for the error is that the grid voltage is set to 254.03 V. Our 3D environment can't handle that. Change it to 254 V (or any other value) and it should work. And of course you are free to contact us on any channel that you prefer (mail, forum, phone), but please consider that it might cause double effort for us if you contact us on two channels simultaneously.

Kind regards,


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  • 2 months later...
On 10/26/2018 at 10:18 AM, developer_mh said:

Hi Cesar,

we had several customers with this bug. Unfortunately we still haven't identied the real source of the problem. But in PV*SOL premium 2018 R10 we added some UI enhancements that should minimize the impact of this bug. Which version are you using. And when you say " Few weeks ago everithing was working fine. " could you tell us what happened in the meanwhile? Did you update PV*SOL, oder Windows? Or some graphics drivers perhaps?

Every information is helpful! Thanks a lot, kind regards,


I had the same problem, but in with the 2021 version! I solve it when I start PVSOL with a monitor scale of 175%. When I'm in the 3D simulation, I turn it back to normal 100%.

1) Put your monitor scale on 175% (The monitor where PVSOL opens)
2) Start PVSOL
3) Enter 3D simulation
4) Open Windows Display settings and turn it back to normal scale

Hope I was able to help anyone!

  • Thanks 1
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  • 9 months later...

Same isseu here...

laptop - 1920 x1200 scale 125%

monitor - 1920 x 1080 scale 100%

Both the solution from Thomas_10hoch4 and the Change  <MainPagerWider>0</MainPagerWider> to -1 not work...

Windows 11, PVSol Premium 2022 R6



I used the Windows troubleshooter.

Introduced changes: screen settings: scaling to a higher DPI value

but now I have a problem that every time I start program the ribbon icons are "big" (as in the attachment)

even if I uncheck 'Enlarge main button bar' after close and open pvsol it stay checked


also i can't set back <MainPagerWider>-1</MainPagerWider> to 0.


i change resolution of laptop to 1680:1050 and scale to 100%


and it looks like attachment pvsol2. a bit better but far from ideal...

Maybe should make change in some of this settings:



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Infinitech,

we did several things:

  • We double checked on machines running Windows 11 with a high resolution plus highDPI scaling
  • We checked if there was a higher number of people reporting issues

On our machines we could not reproduce this graphical issue. So far we did not receive tickets regarding recent high DPI problems.

Albeit your configuration

On 8/1/2022 at 10:56 AM, Infinitech said:

laptop - 1920 x1200 scale 125%

monitor - 1920 x 1080 scale 100%

Both the solution from Thomas_10hoch4 and the Change  <MainPagerWider>0</MainPagerWider> to -1 not work...

Windows 11, PVSol Premium 2022 R6

is there any special graphic configuration?

I am sorry you are confronted with these issues, I'll initiate another discussion here.

Kind regards,

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  • 3 weeks later...

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