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3D menu bar issues (icons not visible)


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Dear users,

during the last couple of years, every now and then, we had users reporting issues with the display of the menu bar in the 3D environment of PV*SOL. In this post we want to give clear instructions on how to mitigate this problem.


This is how the menu bar of the 3D visualization of PV*SOL should look like:



But sometimes it looks like this (or even worse)




  1. Close all instances of PV*SOL premium
  2. Locate the PVSOLpremium.exe (usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL premium 2023\)
  3. Right click on the exe, choose "Properties"
  4. Navigate to the tab "Compatibility" and click the button "Change high DPI settings"

  5. Uncheck this checkbox (no override):

  6. Click OK, on the previous window, select "Change settings for all users" (if you have that option)

  7. Click "Change high DPI settings" and then uncheck again (same dialog like before)
  8. Close all dialogs with "OK"
  9. Then restart PV*SOL premium and open the 3D visualization - it should look like it should :)


We tested this on several machines, Win10 and Win11. Please be sure to follow the instructions closely in order to get the right behaviour.



Sometimes, when you now open the 3D visualization of PV*SOL, you see a button bar that is too large. This is due to a former workaround that is not necessary anymore. Please follow these instructions to get it back to normal (be sure you have followed the instructions above before that!)

  1. Close all instances of PV*SOL premium
  2. Locate the PVSOL.ini file (usually here "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL premium 2023\PVSOL.ini")
  3. Open the file in a text editor, e.g. Notepadd++
  4. Locate the line that says "<MainPagerWider>-1</MainPagerWider>" (near the end of the file)
  5. Change the -1 to 0
  6. Save the file
  7. Then restart PV*SOL premium and open the 3D visualization - it should look like it should :)


We really hope that this helps for all of you. If it doesn't help, we would be very interested in more details of your system. Just post below if the instructions helped or not. In case it didn't help I'd write a list of what we need to analyse the problem more in detail.

Best wishes, kind regards,





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  • developer_mh pinned and featured this topic
  • 5 weeks later...


I recently noticed this issue and tried your solution but the "override" box was already unchecked. I am currently using the "MainPageWider" workaround but it's not an optimal solution. I would be interested to hear from you if another solution arises.

Best regards, 


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  • 7 months later...
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  • 5 months later...


I have checked and this is already unticked in mine. Just to check I ticked the box and it made it worse, even in the home page before accessing the 3D modelling section, so unticked again. Are there any other ways to make it bigger?


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