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Externe Excpection E0434352


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Hi Giannis,

thank you for submitting this exception. We have some related bug reports already. Can you reproduce it? That is, could you describe a way how to get to this exception? Or does it occur randomly? Which version of PV*SOL do you use?

Perhaps we can track this bug down with your help! If possible, also send a bug report when it crashes the next time.

Thanks a lot in advance,


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Hello Martin,

I always send a bug report about, and several e-mails at your support account.

The problem starts mostly when I try to configure modules, I can't understand when exactely but it has to do with the number of the panles (not many or less but the number).


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Hi Giannis,

unfortunately I can't find your bug reports in our system. The only recent bug reports relating to that exception contain a lot of modules and seem to have crashed also while configuring modules.

Could you perhaps send us a project file where this crash occurs? This would be very kind. You can send it privately here via private message. And some information about your system woul be very helpful (Windows version, RAM, PVSOL version etc.)



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At the hotline e-mail I sent several times, but ok here one more time:

Laptop I use:

DELL XPS 15 950

 Win 10 Pro

 Intel Core i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz


 NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1050


Premium Version 18.


I can't send you the file, the file is gonne after the bugs. And also back-up files and I lost my project.


Why nobody answer my e-mail? We still have maintance.... 



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