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Battery getting Charged from grid

Nabil Sbriz

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Hello PV*Sol team,

This question has been asked before but I tried the answer on that post and it didn't work for me.


The system I want to install is residential grid connected, with a battery system that should only be getting supplied from the PV, but when I simulate I see that the batteries are getting charged by the grid. I changed the battery full chargin and equalization to 0, Having the battery charged a max of 80% as I'm using Lithium-ion, but I'm still seeing that the battery is being charged with the grid which I want to avoid. Could you please explain if I'm doing something wrong or If I can do something to avoid this energy from the grid to charge the batteries? 

Thank you very much in advance.




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Hi Nabil,

the U0-charging (boost charge) will be done with grid power if PV power isn't sufficient. So in order to fully avoid charging from the grid you can set the upper limit of the I-charging mode (bulk charging) to 75%, or the end of U0-charging to 70%. Since you want to achieve an 80% charging limit, you can also set all those values to 80%.

Setting the duration of the maintenance modes (equalisation and full charge) to 0 is also the right thing to do.

Kind regards,



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Hi anees,

I'm sorry for my late reaction to your post.

Unfortunately, Frederik did not receive a personal message with a .pvprj file. You wrote in another post that there were technical problems. Can you try again and send the file so that we can view it?

Alternatively, you can also contact our technical support directly. You can find their contact details at the bottom of the following page:


Kind regards


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