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Adding monthly consumption


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Dear PVSOL support,

i would like to add monthly consumption to PVSOL, for example for each month from 1-12 to add his consumption(not the annually) 

what is the best why to do it?

i tried to play with the % of the standard year -by dividing monthly consumption by yearly but the end result is not accurate 


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Dear timgreen13,

our help pages explain how to import your own load profiles, or in your case energy consumption profiles: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2019/pages/consumption/#import-load-profile

You need a file with a profile in hourly steps at least (smaller steps down to 1min is possible). In the import dialog you set the data kind such as power, energy et cetera. To give you a working file I attached a profile which starts with value 10 for January, 20 for February and so on. Of course this doesn't make any sense but gives you the idea. In PV*SOL this looks like:


I hope this helps!

Best regards,


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So if i understated right , if i only 12 values for consumption for each month (i don't have hourly/or by minute)

for example

jan-100 kwh

feb-200 kwh

mar-300 kwh

and etc. 


i need to create consumption file accordingly ? and import it 

there is no direct way? just put the consumption value for each month (like in Aurora?


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Hi Tim,

you are right, the import of the 12 monthly values in the dialog you posted in your first post are not accurate. This is a bug we know of quite some time, but this section of our software is/was a remainder from older times :)This is one of the reasons why we refurbished these old components now. In the next major release (which is planned for early 2020), an update of the consumption dialogs is included.

In the meantime, if you work with net metering you can enter the monthly consumption values directly here:



Or, if you are willing to modify the monthly consumption before importing them, you can do the following:

  • Import the monthly energy values in kWh and calculate the monthly percentage (first two columns)
  • Calculate the monthly modification factor with (days of month) / (365/12)
  • Calculate the converted percentage with (real percentage) / (modification factor)


  • then you can select the last column, copy it to the clipboard and paste it into the dialog that you showed


  • Then click ok and enter the yearly energy consumption here


Then you'll get the monthly energy consumption into PV*SOL as desired:



Hope that helps, and sorry for the circumstances.

Kind regards,



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