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jamesbm last won the day on October 28 2024

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  1. Hi PVSOL team. I find integrating modules annoyingly hard (it worked in the past). Very often it fails (see attached image). The error says there is a collision even when there is plenty of room around both arrays. Is this something you could fix or can you suggest a workaround? Thanks James
  2. Hi team, Is this ever going to be fixed? Modelling a complicated roof shape (including a parapet wall) is one reason I import a building rather than building it inside PVSOL. It is really annoying to do all the work of building and running the model to see 60% shading and have to start again. Thanks James
  3. jamesbm

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    Yes! I haven't noticed this being a problem recently, has it been fixed? If it hasn't already been fixed it should be.
  4. Thanks for the update Martin. Same question on Jinko Cheetah JKM410M-72H-V - are these on for the next update? James
  5. Hi PVSOL team. Can you let me know when the next database update is due? I am waiting to use JA JAM72S10 415/MR modules. I understand from JA that the file has been submitted. Many thanks James
  6. Great, thanks for the update.
  7. Any news on the fix from this? It is a bit painful trying to locate a building twice (once for meteonorm, and again for 3D modelling). On other mapping tools the postcode takes you to within a few meters of the building and this was the case in PVSOL until recently. Thanks.
  8. Update: just upgraded to R5, problem isn't resolved.
  9. Hi PVSOL team. Has something changed when using "create data for new location" using UK postcodes. Recently the pin is a distance away from the desired location. I ran a couple of tests - OX12 9SN - 2km away from correct location OX13 6BS - 4.2km away from correct location In both cases entering the postcodes into Google Earth gives the correct location. Sorry if this has been fixed recently, I need to pay for my maintenance (I will pay this week I promise!). James
  10. It sounds like you need to change the "Units" setting from kW to kWh. Hope that helps!
  11. jamesbm

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    Hi PVSOL team. I have had a quick play with the 2021 update. Are there any further features soon to arrive? I was really hoping for a few helpful features in the 3D modelling. As 90% of the time all that is required is a rectangular building outline with a line down the centre for a ridge some minor improvements would really help- -Snap to 90 degrees (or a rectangle drawing tool) -Snap to centre point for drawing ridge (or an "auto-ridge" feature) Thanks James
  12. I can across a similar challenge. This might be helpful -
  13. The answer is a bit silly but the next option along from "wall" is a "rotatable wall" Why you would have a wall that only runs east/west I do not know? Hope that helps.
  14. For a bit of balance - we work mainly in the range 100kWp-2MWp and get on very well with PVSOL (over the last 5+ years). The 3D model import isn't great so I tend to use the inbuilt 3D modelling. If I want to make attractive images for a proposal I use sketchup, for accurate yield projections I use PVSOL. I think viewed as a design and analysis tool PVSOL is great. I understand your frustration that PVSOL can't do everything but if you don't push the 3D modelling too hard it is great for - shading analysis, roof layout, stringing. I haven't used it much but the other well regarded PV software package is PVSyst, by the look of the videos the 3D modelling is much more basic than PVSOL. I think the admins have offered you a refund on you subscription, if you really don't get on with the software get your money back!
  15. They are listed as "Hanwha Q.CELLS". Similarly if you are looking for Solis inverters they are "Ginlong (Solis)".
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