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feed-in management in Germany


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If i am not wrong there is a regulation in Germany that individual solar systems are limited to 70% of the rated power output also called "feed-in management or einspeisemanagement". I believe this is done by the inverters. Does PV Sol take this into consideration when calculating the yield (kWh/year) ? Is the value shown in the PV Sol report past this clipping by inverter?. I found the regulation in a report from Fraunhofer ISE, Germany.


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Hi Vishnu,

the feed-in management or maximum power clipping or "Einspeisemanagement" in German can be edited on the page "System Type, Climate and Grid".



There you can enter the power clipping in % of the installed DC power, and you can choose if the inverters are limiting the power or if it can be done at the feed-in point. In case of the latter, possbile self consumption or battery charging can take place before limiting the PV production.

The results (the actual losses due to clipping are shown on the results page. DEpending on what type of clipping you choose, the values are presented differently. If you don't have electrical appliances (consumers) in your system, the losses can be found in the energy balance of the PV system:


If you have electrical appliances and you choose power clipping at the feed-in point, the losses can be found on the overview pages:

In the diagrams:


In the table views:


And of course in the energy flow graph:



And a side note: If you analyse clipping behaviour and you want to know the energy losses, we strongly recommend using one-minute resolution for the simulation.

Hope that helps, kind regards,



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