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PVSol V PVSyst for PPAs


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My stakeholders have asked me to put a report together as to why PVSol is better to use for PPAs than PVSyst. 

I have always championed PVSol and have been given the opportunity to put this forward to hopefully change our process.

Any input you could give me will be much appreciated.


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Hi CarlSEL,

thanks for your question. I don't know if we are the best choice for answering this question - we might be a bit biased :D

PPAs are contracts that regulate the supply of electricity between two parties, the producer and the consumer. A fixed quantity of electricity and a fixed price are agreed. In contrast to normal feed-in tariffs with own consumption, with PPAs it does not usually matter at what exact time the electricity is supplied.

In this respect, the required values for the energy fed into the grid are also much easier to determine in simulation software such as PV*SOL. Both PV*SOL and other simulation programmes are able to do this, although I can of course only speak for PV*SOL here.

Parameters relevant to bankability, such as P90 (or any other P value), can also be easily entered in PV*SOL. PV*SOL is considered absolutely "bankable" due to its widespread use and many years of existence (more than 25 years).

Various sources of climate data are also available, which can be used to estimate the potential yield of the system even better. In addition to Meteonorm and PVGIS, these include Solcast and SolarAnywhere.

In any case, good luck with compiling the report. If you need any further information, please let us know.

Best regards,

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  • 2 weeks later...


often PVsyst is still used for bankability of large pv systems but if you ask me, two things where PvSol stands out are:

-  graphs and analysis, the insight gained by being able to create your own energy diagrams/graphs  in Pvsol is much more easy to use and much better.

-  newest weather data, Meteonorm 8.2 is used in pvsol whilest pvsyst uses 8.1, pvgis 5,2 , or nasa 

hope it helps,


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