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different end simulation results for the same projekt


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Hello Valentin Team,

We simulated a projekt a couple of months back and ended up with 909 kWh/kWp Spez. Jahresertrag. But when i re-run the same simulation today, to my surprise, it increased to 929 kWh/kWp. 

I know year 2020 has been crazy but is it really this crazy!!!??? ??

Tja, i checked the energy balance results and i could see significant difference in multiple sections.

Could you please help me understand why there is a difference here? Do you think it is because of some updates you have made or am i missing something that's changed in my simulation?

I would be happy to send you the simulation file and the older pdf report in private message. Sorry i don't have 2 different pvsol files, it's the same file that i re-ran



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Dear Vishnu,

yes, there have been some changes in the simulation core. If you can tell me the program version of PV*SOL that was used to run the simulations in the first place, I can identify the changes that are responsible for the change of the simulation results.

You can also have a look at the changelogs here:


Kind regards,


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Thanks Martin for a quick reply.

To be honest, I did not simulate this back then. I only re-ran it today.

The original simulation file was from Feb 2020. I can tell you that. I used PV Sol v7 from April 2020 to re-run it today. I wish i could provide more info.Btw, i've also sent you a private message with files attached

But ja, changes in simulation core explains it :)

Thank you

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