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difference in FIT values


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Hey Dev Team,

Greetings from Berlin.

Attached are the simulation reports of a project with modules in two different orientations. I tried to keep other parameters the same. To my surprise, the FIT value is different in these two simulations though I selected the same FIT price. Of course, the difference is almost negligible (€0,1176 und €0,1178) but i am wondering why there should be any difference.

Could you please help me in this ?

Thank you !!!!

Perleberger Straße 49_süd-ost.pdf Perleberger Straße 49_süd-west.pdf

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Hello Vishnu,

The fit price is not fixed and depends on the installed PV power. (https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2019/databases/components/feed-in-tariffs/)



For your system "süd-west" you have a pv generator output of 12.5 kWp.

FIT  = (10 kWp / 12.5 kWp * 0.1183 EUR / kWh) + (2.5 kWP / 12.5 kWp * 0.115 EUR / kWh) = 0.11764 EUR / kWh


For your system "süd-ost" you have a pv generator output of 11.9 kWp.

FIT  = (10 kWp / 11.9 kWp * 0.1183 EUR / kWh) + (1.9 kWP / 11.9 kWp * 0.115 EUR / kWh) = 0.117773 EUR / kWh


Kind regards,


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