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Joao Prates

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Everything posted by Joao Prates

  1. Hi all, I'm designing a system with 2 inverters and one large battery, one of the inverters being a Fronius SYMO GEN24 10.0 Plus. The battery is connected to the GEN24 inverter, and the 2nd inverter is only acting as an extra AC power generator (AC coupling) to the main AC bus. One of the innovative features of the Fronius GEN24 is its ability to act both as a DC coupling (energy source is PV) and AC coupling (AC bus is source) simultaneously. This is key to our design, as the second inverter will provide for extra power to be injected into the battery, adding to GEN24's own PV DC coupling. For example if GEN24 PV is producing 4 kW and the other inverter is injecting 2 kW into the AC bus, the battery will get the 6 kW sum, minus the AC consumption of course. We're using PV*SOL 2020 (R5) and the Fronius GEN24 is supported, in fact it is even supported in conjunction with the battery we are using, so we thought the simulation was fine. Unfortunately upon running the simulation we got grid feed energy way too high for what we anticipated. Upon checking the csv simulation results we were shocked to realize there is energy exported to the grid even with a low battery SoC and coupling capacity available! PV*Sol is not doing battery AC coupling on the GEN24, all energy produced by the second inverter over the AC bus is being ignored the GEN24, so the production surplus over consumption is being fed to the grid instead of getting into the battery. Can you please provide proper behavior for this inverter in your simulations by adding simultaneous DC and AC coupling? Thanks in advance, -jprates
  2. Sure, anything I can do to help you improve the software you can count on it. I'm not here just to point out errors, I will do my best to help you solve them. Just note that the project will show correct naming already, as I've spent many hours fighting with it till I got all nodes correctly named and saved. Check your inbox in 5 minutes time.
  3. Martin, I was genuinely thinking it was my fault the data was not being adopted, that I had done something wrong. It never crossed my mind this could be the intended behaviour by design. The logical approach (at least to me) would be to use 3D to take precise length measures and then adopt them into the 2D design. I always assumed this was the case. As it is it makes absolutely no sense at all, I can't understand why was this module designed like this, and I see it's not just me. What you're saying is that all of the trouble of designing combiner boxes, different cable sections, strings combined into arrays, etc, it all disappears into ONE SINGLE magic number. Just as @timgreen13 pointed out, one is expecting to see cable losses by section, see individual string lengths and losses, etc, because if not then what's the point of all that detailed "painting"? We need to check if individual strings and individual arrays are above our own loss thresholds, to be able to correct them if necessary. Having just one global loss number won't let you see that, you might even have 5% losses in one string branch and get 0,8% global losses in the system. Again I'm in the position of having this powerful software (PVSOL) I paid for that won't do basic functionality, and having to go back to freeware manufacturer software (SUNNY DESIGN) to get some of the design steps done. After fine tuning the strings and cable sections on SUNNY DESIGN I will have to go back to PVSOL and try to input MPPT equivalents... can you see how cumbersome this is? The more I work with PVSOL the more frustrated I get, really, it should be the opposite. You guys do the most difficult part, the math simulations, to unimaginable precision (congrats on that!), and then fail at the most basic functionality and design elements. Go figure...
  4. Hi, I wonder if someone could explain this, meaning pointing out where did I go wrong, because this can't be default/desired behaviour and most probably I'm the one at fault: A complete system design was done in 3D, including cabling, which gave me these lengths and losses (as seen inside 3D module): As a side note, I don't understand what is AC losses value doing there, since I could find no way to detail AC cabling inside the 3D Design.. can anyone care to let me know where is it? The main issue of this post is to ask the community where did I go wrong, because I did system check, all was OK, chose "Adopt data" from main menu, only to find this at PVSOL cable section: Unless I'm missing some step or setting, it seems PVSOL is totally ignoring all the cable lengths and sections detailed in 3D Design, leading to default values and zero losses. What did I do wrong? TIA -jprates
  5. Hi, Yes, I know, you're working on a new 3D module that won't be ready for 18 months... Yes, I know, you're not planning to introduce new features or even correct bugs on current 3D... However... I really think a line should be drawn somewhere, because as it stands some 3D features are just about useless and desperating if we try to use them. I'm trying to use 3D "Cable Plan" feature and it's really driving me nuts, the object/node tree refresh is almost never happening, no matter how many times we rename a node. One gets things like this: Obviously there are not 4 bundles with the same name, they all have been renamed, but the configuration tree refuses to load the new names. This happens with all kinds of nodes, it's desperating really! How are we suppose to guess to which node do we want to connect or do any operation for that matter? On the same exact scenario and without doing anything but switching to the "Cable Nodes" tab on the object tree, we get this: Sometimes no nodes have updated names, sometimes only some have, in this case all but the first were showing the correct renamed titles. If we select the node not displaying the correct name and ask to rename it again, it shows the correct title, it's crazy: I'm sorry, but this puts cable design completely on the zero usability department, it's a nightmare to work in design in this circumstances. Please do something about this refresh problem ASAP, it's not usable at all as it stands. -jprates EDIT: Forgot to add this other annoying issue in the same cable module: This is happening ALL THE TIME, we select one node, right click to do some operation on it, and the only option that appears is to remove all cable nodes. Argh. EDIT 2: Just came back from lunch, opened the saved project file, and found out that all the renamed nodes that were not showing in the tree were saved with the original/wrong names. So all of the work done renaming the nodes is lost, and we have to rename them again, only to find out some will refuse to be renamed, and so on... this bug is a nightmare.
  6. Hi, Submiting a New Feature Request for the PV*SOL dev team: Currently module degradation inputs are only 2 fields, one for the age and the other for the remaining power: Most modules we work today though offer a warranty with linear degradation AFTER FIRST YEAR, meaning the value for the 1st year is always different (and higher) than average. For example we have this module as many others on the market: In order to support this, we need another field to enter the first year degradation (0,3% in the above example), and the other fields could still be as they are. Of course having the option to specify the degradation per year after the 1st year instead of having to manually compute the remaining power would also be a nice to have, but not critical. TIA
  7. Judging by your test case it would seem to be a problem related to some change in the way the project is being saved on 2020R2 vs 2019R14. This project was originally created on 2019R14, hence my suggestion. Next week will be fine, don't worry, this is not a blocking issue at this stage. Thanks for the quick feedback. EDIT: Tried your suggestion of removing and adding back the horizon and it worked. You can change the priority of this bug to "minor" as far as I'm concerned.
  8. It's friday and we can wait for monday, no problem. I'll try to send it via pm as requested.
  9. Hi, I think I may have found a bug on the presentation report. Using the 3D design module I have loaded this realistic horizon into the project: When generating the report back on the main program window, this is what gets generated: Now apart from the obvious error of not using the 3D horizon, I am left with the more important doubt about the yield results, since obviously the correct horizon has impact on the determined values and I wonder which of horizons was used, if the 3D real horizon or the flat one from the report. Can you please investigate and provide feedback on this? Thank you.
  10. Errr... guys just one question... is this normal? I was assuming that by accepting the 2020 setup I was asking for an upgrade, not an extra install... Just realized after calling PVSOL that the old 2019 version was still being called and executed, it was not uninstalled at all. Shouldn't the 2020 setup uninstall the 2019 prior to installing itself? What now? Is it safe to uninstall the 2019 version, or will this currupt and/or delete registry keys used by 2020 and I should reinstall 2020 once again after uninstalling 2019? Argh... what a mess... not the best way to start using PVSOL 2020!
  11. HURRAY!!!! ?
  12. Glad to know about the fix, thanks. About the map API, without being much of a priority comparing to other issues, it would be nice to have it reviewed or to use other tool. Right now for a couple of projects of mine I had to take a google maps print screen at a more appropriate scale and then manually enter the scale on PVSOL. This quite defeats the purpose of this feature having the maps right there.
  13. Yes, please do put QA over any release rush! Can't wait to take it out for a spin though...
  14. Hi, PV*SOL premium 2019 (R14) When creating a new 3D system from a map, the rotating tool arrows on the small tool box ribbon do not work, neither of them, Rotate Left or Rotate Right. The zoom level on the other hand is quite aggressive, it would be nice to have at least the double number of steps while zooming in and out. Video demonstration: Don't know if this goes on time for the new release next week, but it would be nice to see it, even if on a patch level build afterwards. Cheers, -jprates
  15. Thanks for the feedback, I truly appreciate it. Agree that as a design and general analysis tool PVSOL is probably one of the best out there, if not the best, no contest there. I think we need to distinguish 2 situations here: One is about requests for new features which to me seem basic and should have been there since ever (example full cabling systems) and another quite different is bug fixing to let existing features work as designed/advertised by Valentin Software. I’m resigned with waiting 1.5 years for a proper 3D module, and basic missing features missing like allowing AC junction boxes, cabling of mounting systems, etc. But neither I nor anyone can accept VS refusing to fix horrific bugs in memory allocation that prevent advertised existing functionality to work. If you have an application that crashes with out-of-memory error when it's only using 1.5GB out of 16GB with over 10 GB available, you need to accept there is a bug and fix it. EDIT: Let's not get off-topic. The purpose of this thread is to warn others not to fall into the 3D photogrammetry import trap on PVSOL, it's not about my problems.
  16. Just a friendly reminder the original question posed on this topic still remains unanswered, we're almost 1 month passed without clarification.
  17. Hi @Leon Norris, In order to prepare yourself to much bigger trouble, read this thread first. Judging by the size of your file, you'll have to do lots and lots of decimation first before even succeeding in importing into PVSOL. If your software doesn't support decimation and you don't want to spend lots of money, I recommend the freeware MeshLab, it does a decent job at this. Going back to the thread above, please remember you'll have to get bellow ~400k vertices to be able to import into PVSOL - your scan will get very low quality. Use .obj file format, it's the best one to import in PVSOL according to VS, and I do recommend you use .png for the texture file format, we found problems when using .jpg. GOOD LUCK!
  18. Hi @timgreen13, No, unfortunately no, and Valentin Software did not help either. In fact I just got a notice from WeTransfer saying no-one has downloaded the zip I sent to help them diagnose the issue and the file will be deleted in 2 days time... it's just sad: What I do know is that this is a memory allocation bug, PVSOL seems to always crash when slightly above 1GB memory usage. You can live with this if you have either a very simple system and 3D model or very few modules in it to compute shadows. In my case to prove PVSOL could simulate the shadowing with a few modules I deleted them all except 100 units, and indeed the sim ran fine with these 100 modules alone. Of course no-one would buy a 1k+ eur software to design small systems with just a few modules, so this is not acceptable.
  19. Some of Valentin's PVSOL Premium potential customers might have, as I did, decided to buy the software based on 3D modeling and shading simulation capabilities. Several anecdotal evidences of this capability can be found on this forum, and on promotion materials spread across several media by Valentin Software sales team. Let me give some examples below... Above - PVSOL Online Shop suggests drone usage for photogrammetry Above - Youtube tutorial suggesting the use of photogrammetry software for 3D import (Pix4D) Above: Feature advertised online since 2017, note the mention to "3D objects created with photos taken from a drone" I guess these examples should be enough to prove the spin over 3D photogrammetry and real life 3D models import into PVSOL. Most people most probably will do the same as we did, download the software and try it out with simple small examples, and it does work, how nice... we then decide to buy the software. Unfortunately it's only when starting to use it for real, with real projects, real data, real photogrammetry, that the trouble starts... errr... ok... let's go smaller then... decimate 3D model and retry... oops... there is a limit of ONLY 500.000 vertices! Anyone with the thinnest experience in photogrammetry knows 500k vertices is nothing, any model with such a low count of vertices is either a single building alone with very little detail and very decimated, or the scene is in terribly low quality with lots of 3D defects. This 500k vertices limit renders the 3D photogrammetry almost useless. In order to work with photogrammetry 3D models one has to decimate the model to a number of vertices really below the 500k vertices limit, because as reported in this other thread (without answer for weeks now) the vertices count is wrong and includes some own PVSOL vertices as overhead, limiting even further the model quality. We have no choice but to comply with the previously unmentioned limits, and we decimate the model further, making the 3D almost unrecognizable, and voila it finally loads and we can start designing the PV system believing all is well now, apart from the 3D miserable quality: This illusion ends as soon as we press the "Start shading frequency" button with the option to show shading percentages on the modules. With the example above, with only 320 modules, the application crashes with an "out-of-memory error": Now this is very strange because this is a 16GB machine and memory usage by PVSOL process never went above 1.4GB on all of the tests we did, so there is a nasty bug here. Valentin official answer is to just say we ran out of memory (despite proof we did not), and telling me "We would use the planning mode with map section.", yes really! So we are working with a 3D model decimated already to just a few hundred vertices, and still PVSOL can't cope with it. Astonishing! We did not give up, and went to the extent of DELETING part of the 3D model objects, parts that would not interfere with shading on the modules, and decimated even further. The result was an .obj file with just 82.034 vertices, that’s 16% of what PVSOL claims to be able to handle, and guess what... it still crashes and can't simulate shading. Conclusion: Don't be fooled by Valentin Software claims over the use of 3D import of photogrammetry models, it's nothing but a toy for micro systems, it's not for professional use. Hope this narrative is useful to anyone considering buying PVSOL Premium based on 3D photogrammetry imports. PS: I have found PVSOL capabilities in regards to computation to be flawless thus far, if you don't mind a miserable 3D component, it's worth it. The 3D module however is just lame. PPS: The worst part on this is that Valentin Software refuses to admit it has a memory management bug, and provides no real assistance nor solution apart from dropping 3D import.
  20. Just to update this thread: Most of my queries sent to support via email were finally answered last friday, albeit without a positive result. Was the wait worth it? No. The bottom line was: me: bugs found - VS: no timeline to fix, workaround suggested just don't use it me: lacking basic features - VS: perhaps they will appear on the next 3D version due in about 18 months from now me: feature not working as advertised - VS: don't use that feature One of the features was the main reason I bought PVSOL Premium, and I've seen more people on this forum asking about it, so I will open a new thread to explain it. Hopefully this will prevent others from falling into the same trap.
  21. I won't comment this last post of yours Martin, it's best if I don't.
  22. Dear Martin, If in the future you experience brake failure in your brand new auto, and your car manufacturer support line tells you "well if you don't want to experience brake failure and crash the car then just don't drive it", I hope you remember your current answer and realize how it feels on this end. Your nickname is developer_mh, which presumably tells us you're a software developer. As software developer you should know what multitasking is, and how to do healthy resource usage management. Windows introduced preemptive multitasking in its core on Windows NT 3 back in the 90's, and believe it or not, people have been taking advantage of it since then (for 30 years). When you have your software (PVSOL) running on a given machine, you can NOT take its resources for granted just for your program, simply because people might, and most probably are, using the computer to do other tasks while your program is running. For example I quite often am running photogrammetry and 3D processing, processes that in some cases take hours or even days to process, in the background. The last thing I want is to have PVSOL eating up my CPU and GPU without a reason! Just tell me: Why are you rendering the scene constantly even without any user input? If the scene did not change, why render it again and again? What's the point? If we are running a shading simulation animating the course of the sun in the sky or anything else that changes the view, then yes please do render, otherwise don't. Using between 20% and 40% of the CPU and GPU literally ALL THE TIME even when we're just staring at the screen is not acceptable, and you know it. If you fix it, we all gain, your software gets better, it's a win-win situation. Kind regards, Joao Prates
  23. Joao Prates

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    + fix memory allocation problems on 3D module (this is a MUST) + fix CPU and GPU usage on 3D module + cable plan for mounted systems + proper 3D import with support for larger number of vertices/faces + 64 bit version for better overall performance and PC resource usage And thanks for asking us.
  24. Please please please fix the memory and CPU usage issues on 3D module for that next release!!!
  25. This is very good news indeed. Any ETA on that major version?
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