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Everything posted by timgreen13

  1. Dear Support, is there a way ti simulate the following thing: some PV plant producing 100 kWh per year (simple example) 1.this is the consumption of this house is 75 kWh 2.25 kWh goes to the grid with FIT of 2 cent 3.and also sometimes i possible that the consumption will be covered by the grid also (at night) can i make simulation that i will include in the finance report that will include all this 3 scenario=>3 different pricing 1.price for house consumption from the pv plant 2.feed in tariff 3.price for electricity covered by the grid
  2. Hello, if i buy a new computer , how can i transfer my license from the old computer ? or i can use the same key on both of them (i don't think so hh)
  3. i liked what you did! let's wait for their answer.
  4. I had the same situation and the first option was the easiest for me
  5. ok thanks !
  6. Hello, is it possible that there is a mistake in the database regarding ESS home 8 the max A per MPPT is 13A so you have 3 MPPT that mean the max supposed to be 13*3=39A? and in the datasheet you write 26A in the original datasheet from LG I found only this (see attached)
  7. Thanks! i just got the update:????
  8. any update ?:)
  9. There new update so maybe it will fixed
  10. Tell me about that...im waiting for the ESS LG home 8 for almost 3 weeks ?
  11. Hi Justin, The Developers will answer you tomorrow, by that time i'm attaching link from PV sol help -battery section -maybe it will help -there is a section on battery strategies http://3d-help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/en/#t=html%2Fen%2FBerechnungsgrundlagen_-_Batterien.htm
  12. Hi boris, i got the same problem.
  13. timgreen13

    Tilt Ground

    Hi mads, see the information in the link http://3d-help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/en/#t=html%2Fen%2F3d%2FHang.htm&rhsearch=tilted&rhhlterm=tilted&rhsyns= ilia
  14. i just got update for the R8 version , but ESS home 8&10 is still not in the database ?
  15. Soon, like this weekend... ?
  16. Hello Marcel, i contact the database a week ago. thank you.
  17. Dear developers, i have a photo of a building(for the side-see attached) that i would like to attach the pv panel on facade -like the tutorial video that you did in 3D(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58W7wTX3UkM) So i was thinking to do it in the photo-plan mode, is it possible ? or do you have other solution for me.
  18. Dear Developer Can you please add LG ESS Home 8 and Home 10 to the PVSOL Database.
  19. Dear developers, is there any tool or feature that allow me to compare designs ? (SunDAT has it-https://sundat.ftcsolar.com/) Thanks .
  20. Dear Support, As you can see from the picture attached i got high loss in the MPPT voltage range(13%) when i looked closer on every inverter separately i see the DC/AC conversion loss is high why is that ? losses per inverter total loss
  21. Hi Martin, Thank you for the answer ! is it possible to show the result of your team member? so after i do in in sketchup -i need to import it? with the 3D model import function ? Thanks
  22. Dear Developers, What is the best option for creating PV design if i got DWG file or like AUTOCAD drawing (see attached) ? Thank you
  23. Dear Developers is there any option to add Small wind turbine(Hybrid Systems) to the software ? if not ,will be that option in the future?
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