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coverage of consumption not showing


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I have an issue sometimes that pvsol doesnt show the graph of own consumption, even though. below I have the same project in another file and there it seems to work.

I dont really know what is the difference between them.    (the first was a 3d project but I removed the 3d check and it still doesnt show the graphs)

this issue started since the r5 update, and we had this problem on several projects now

Do you have any idea what it could be? do i have a setting wrong?

thanks for your help





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Hello Peter_

thank you for the project files.

As assumed the Energy Balance/Feed-in Concept on the page Financial Analysis was different in the project files:


Some diagrams are not visible then.

When in doubt there also is the possibility to compare several projects: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2023/en/project-comparison/

Kind regards

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