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The standart Load profiles


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Hi Mads,

yes, you can see that after the simulation. Best way in my opinion is to look at the carpet plots under Results -> Simulation -> Diagram Editor -> Carpet Plots -> Consumption:


Or in Diagram Editor -> Interval, select consumption as data series:



And finally you can export the data as cvs file on the last page.

And please note that the resolution of the exported consumption data will be 1h if you simulate the PV system in 1h time step, even if the consumption profile is in 1min time step. Internally, the simulation of the consumers, own consumption etc will take place in 1min resolution against the values with 1h resolution of the PV, but the logging is set to 1h.

If you want to see the one-minute values of the consumption, you'll have to activate the option under Options -> Programm Options -> Simulation -> "Simulate the irradiance with synthesized minute values"

Kind regards,



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  • 1 year later...

Hello Mads

Good afternoon

I want to take the data from teh carpet plot but i cannot understand how this is achieved.

I tried to do it with the cronological series and it was possible to export it to excel

It was also possible to export the characteristic curves

But when i try to copy the values of the carpet plt to excel its not possible to achive

Am i missing something?

I woud really apreciate your answer


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Hi Sebastian,

sorry for the late answer, I think we overlooked it and forgot to reply.

The data that is displayed in the carpet plots is identical to the data in the time series. So you just have to select the according time series, eg. "Irradiance onto horizontal plane", choose the full year as time period and then right click and export it to Excel.

Hope that helps, kind regards,


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