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Insert .PAN file to database

Willy Chacon

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I received from one of our module providers the .PAN files of new modules to come in the market. I would like already to make a couple sims with them but couldn´t find how to insert new modules to the database using the .PAN files.

Could you describe to me the procedure to insert these .PAN files?




Willy Chacon

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Dear Willy,

I am afraid that the PAN format is a proprietary (and binary) format from PVsyst which you cannot open in PV*SOL. You could import your PAN file in PVsyst and then export it to clipboard. Then you can paste the module data to an Excel sheet (separating the entries on semicolon).

Using PVsyst 6.4.1, I prepared an Excel sheet where you can paste your data and you'll already have the correct column description for to know which value must be entered in PVSOL:

Pan file to excel.png

You can download the Excel file here: PAN files for PVSOL.xlsx

You would then open the PV module database of PV*SOL, then choose "New module" and enter the data accordingly. For this example I entered the data and saved a project for you (just to see where to enter which data):

Project with module from PAN file.pvprj

Hope that helps! I'd be glad if you could give me a short feedback if you succeded.


Kind regards,


Project with module from PAN file.pvprj

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