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PVSOL 2023 R3 Gets stuck on Results page. See Youtube video.

Marius Fourie

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same happens with my project. Funny thing: I did it a few days ago and it worked allright. Yesterday, it stucks at simulations step with same symptoms as described by Marius! A first (older) version still works, but whenever I change buliding heights of the surrunding building (due to shadowing issues), it also stucks in simulation step. I am helpless and customer is waiting for results! I can provide both project files (working and non working).

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jan Bresinsky

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Dear all,

Thanks to the project files Jan sent me, we were able to find the bug. It will be fixed in the next release.

In the meantime, you can use the Force Simulation command from the Options menu as a workaround if the simulation gets stuck. This will only happen on 3D projects that you have already simulated, if you go back to 3D, change the shading objects (and nothing else) and then simulate.



Hope that helps, kind regards,


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