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Different Shade Frequency values


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 I have a question why I am getting different results of Shade Frequency?

Yesterday I’ve simulation results with higher digits (photo no.1). Today with same modules place I’m getting smaller values (photo no.2).

Please look at modules covered above. I think in second photo PV*SOL  not estimated shadows from the upper roof. But why it did yesterday?  

I’m really afraid that my previous projects were wrong calculated due to shading…





Best Regards,



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Hi Vilmantas,

unfortunately there is a bug in the calculation and displaying of the shading frequency values for the modules. Thank you for reporting it! It is possible to move the mounting surface (blue framed area) to arbitrary positions only limited by the surface it is positioned on:


Even small shifts can be responsible for great differences.

I tested it extensively. IMPORTANT: This does not affect the yield simulation! Which means, your screenshots for showing the shading frequency might be affected, but not the overall yield simulation of your projects.

We did forward this issue to our 3D developer.

If you have further questions, feel free to ask!

Kind regards,

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