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David Heneš

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For several days with my colleague and I have been discussing about the exported .csv file of one installation and we would like to ask you if PV*SOL automatically for battery systems calculates with 6,000 cycles? However, the battery systems we use have DOD of 80% a number of cycles to 8,000.


This incorrect value then incorrectly enters into the calculation of the battery system life. So is there any way to enter your own number of battery system cycles that PV * SOL will count on?


Thank you for answer. :D

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Hi David,

PV*SOL takes the cycles from the database entry of the respective battery system, more precisely from the battery that is used in the battery system:


The deeper the depth of discharge, the smaller the cycle number that the battery system can run. In the simulation, the current DoD of the battery is taken in order to determine the cycle load for the current time step.

Hope that helps, kind regards,


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