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Import Topography

PV Modeler 1234

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Hi all, 
I'm struggling to import topography into my PV Sol model. I've downloaded the CSV file from the EU PV GIS website for my specific site and I have converted it to a .hor file, however when I try import to PV sol it does not update. I'm fairly certain I got all the steps correct but if anyone has a better guide that would be helpful.

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They seem to have changed the format of the data for the CVS file on PVGIS.


This is what you get when downloading a CVS file from there now:






Not only is all the data in a single column, which can easily be solved if you're proficient at excel (very time consuming if you're not). But they also change/remove the list separator (dash "-") when the azimuth becomes positive.


I think an alternative horizon file source if needed until PVGIS fixes this mess. 

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@Jimmy : The file you sent to me is not in the format of a *.hor file.

with the latest version 2022R1 there is a new feature regarding the horizon line. By clicking the import button:


the dialogue Horizon opens, where you can select a location via a map:


which automagically gets the topography data for you:


I hope this helps!

Best regards,

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Hi @developer_fw,


I know that the file I sent you isn't in *.hor but when using PVGIS to get horizon data you can only get it in either *.cvs or *. json and then have to do the conversion yourself.


It's good to see that it's much more automated in the 2022 version. I don't really use horizon files myself as it doesn't really affect accuracy nearly as much as surrounding buildings and trees in my experience. Also the climate data isn't gathered without any horizon so I usually just assume that it's close enough without the horizon data. I just join the conversations for "fun" even if I don't use the functions to see if I can solve it. 


Anyway, thanks for your detailed reply! 

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