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Self-consumption tarrif set up


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Dear all,

I am currently learning and testing you program for a university purposes and I came to a question regarding the tarrif set up.

I will try to describe my problem:

I draw the PV plant + added the yearly 1h measurements as a load profile + added the storage system. The load profile is quity constant during the night and day. The PV plant should be used, partly for self-consumption (high efficiency hidrolysis) and the overproduced production should be storeg in battery storage or sold to the grid - when battery is full.

From this reason I have to define the tariffs exactly.

I need to define following parameters:

- the customer price (electricity cost EUR/kWh + other cost as distrubution cost, connection power cost, reactive and inductive power cost, other RES tax cost,...)

- energy cost which will be potentialy bought from the grid (electricity cost EUR/kWh + other cost as distrubution cost, connection power cost, reactive and inductive power cost, other RES tax cost,...)

- energy price sold to the grid (in case my battery is full).

From your help I dont unterstand to to define such a case.

Can you please explain how to set up such a case.


Parameters are:

Customer price: base: 76,92 EUR/kWh + Distrubution 21,2 EUR + others: 13,73 EUR/kWh

Price from grid: base: 76,92 EUR/kWh + Distrubution 21,2 EUR + others: 13,73 EUR/kWh

Energy sold to the grid: 52,75 EUR/kWh


The problem, which I see is, that in the case of self consumption the gain for the customer is only for electricity base price + distrubution, bot other cost as connection power cost, etc. will stay.

How do you perform such a simulation, is there any posibility to define the tariff more prices, f.e. with split costing? Also in which components (feed-in, net metering,...) you can define this?

Thank you for you answer and looking forward fro your help.

Regards, R. Bajra




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Hello R.Bajra,

the system type you chose does show a feed-in tariff section and a from-grid tariff section on the page Financial Analysis, in case you selected surplus feed-in as feed-in concept. For both of those tariffs you can create a new tariff with your prices. I must admit that I don't fully understand what you are trying to achieve, but I interpret it as: You want to feed-in your surplus but at the same time you need to pay for your normal grid connection as usual. What is the difference between customer price and price from grid you mentioned above?

For the case I understood it is as follows:
From Grid: Since the costs for base and others  are per kWh you could add them up as energy price. You cannot enter them separately in PV*SOL, but since they are per kWh you can easily split them up afterwards (I assume you did mean EURcent/kWh). The distribution costs seem to be the base price.


For the feed-in tariff:


Does this answer your question?

Best regards,

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Dear Mr. Frederik,

Thanks for your answer. Maybe I wrote a bit complex (due to the naming of energy terms) and will try to write one more time based on my test case. I also specify the fixed distribution cost + variable, since this is how is in the reality.


Electricity price:
70,28 EUR/MWh (net price) 
Distribution costs
FIXED: 462,42 EUR/month (net) 
VARIABLE: 20,09 EUR/MWh (net) --> (including capacity fee and reactive power fee)

Offered DNO price for surpluse energy in my case is: 52,75 EUR/MWh.

I want to simulate PV plant + battery storage system with imported load profile. The PV energy is used for self consumption (for consumer / for charging the battery storage system) and in the case battery is full, the energy is sold to the grid - as surplus energy.

On the tab financial analysis / Tariffs I've defined following parameters and still have some questions?

  • Energy balance/Feed-in concept: I choose SURPLUS ENERGY right?
  • Price of Electricity sold to Third party ?? Which value is this? I set to zero. When this function can be used?
  • TAB Feed-In tariff:
    • Feed-in / Export Tariff: 52,75 EUR/MWh
    • Own consumption: I think I should define the energy price, which the consumer has? In my case this should be 70,28 EUR/MWh + 20,09 EUR/MWh = total 90,37 EUR/MWh. The fixed distribution cost should not be considered, since the cost for connection power stays, although the energy is selfconsumed. My question here is - should I put here this price as a input parameter? And what is the difference between remuneration/Fee. In Help I also read, that the energy used as charging energy for battery storage is taken into the consideration?
    • Generation tariff:  no definition (for what this parameter is used)
  • TAB From-grid Tariff:
    • Base price: 462,42 EUR/month
    • Tarrif period: 70,28 EUR/MWh + 20,09 EUR/MWh = total 90,37 EUR/MWh (this number I put, cause as I understood right, I cannot define separate energy price EUR/kWh and Variable costs in EUR/kWh? Right?

Hope now I explained more in detail and you can give me a feedback? I think, that the definition of from-grid tariff is not as reality as you said. Are you thinking in the future to chage this option, in order user can add also variable cost of the tariff (such as compensation power EUR/kWh, reactive power cost EUR/kWh,...)? In my study/thesis I have to prepare the calculation for high effective hidrolysis, which is highly cost effective problematic. That's why I am interested in right parametrisation of all tariffs.

I would appriciate your answer along my above points.


R. Bajra




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Hi R.Bajra,

thank you for your explanation. I got it wrong at first. I added comments to your very good explanation:

  • Energy balance/Feed-in concept: I choose SURPLUS ENERGY right?
    Yes, this is correct.
  • Price of Electricity sold to Third party ?? Which value is this? I set to zero. When this function can be used?
    This value is used for direct marketing via a contract over a long period (several decades) to a third party which you don't need in your case.
  • TAB Feed-In tariff:
    • Feed-in / Export Tariff: 52,75 EUR/MWh
    • Own consumption: I think I should define the energy price, which the consumer has? In my case this should be 70,28 EUR/MWh + 20,09 EUR/MWh = total 90,37 EUR/MWh. The fixed distribution cost should not be considered, since the cost for connection power stays, although the energy is selfconsumed. My question here is - should I put here this price as a input parameter? And what is the difference between remuneration/Fee. In Help I also read, that the energy used as charging energy for battery storage is taken into the consideration?
      This is what I got wrong. Yes, you can set this as own consumption. The difference of renumeration and fee is, if the price is getting calculated as renumeration or as fees in the end. Since 2014 the german tax authority introduced an amendment within the law EEG. So there are cases in which you have to pay for your own produced energy. The amount of renumerated own consumption is displayed with the simulation results in the table Financial Analysis:grafik.png.3e1022339f3efcb338ba88106824f185.png
    • Generation tariff:  no definition (for what this parameter is used)
      This is used, if you get paid for all the energy you produced and not only the energy you feed in e.g.
  • TAB From-grid Tariff:
    • Base price: 462,42 EUR/month
    • Tarrif period: 70,28 EUR/MWh + 20,09 EUR/MWh = total 90,37 EUR/MWh (this number I put, cause as I understood right, I cannot define separate energy price EUR/kWh and Variable costs in EUR/kWh? Right?
      Absolutely correct.

I think this should be sufficient for your use case. If you still have questions, please ask!

Best regards,

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Thank you very much Mr. Frederik.

Now I understand and will try to set up the system. I have another question regarding battery storage. Since I am still learining how the battery work in connection with PV and grid, I have a question if there is possibility to set up the charging option from grid for battery storage. Meaning chargin during the night @lower tariff and discharge during the day for consumption? If yes, can you add timinig of charging? 

Thank you for the answer.



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