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  1. Yesterday
  2. Dear Lukas, Thank you for your inquiry. Have you enabled the saving of characteristic curves to project files? If so, please disable this function. If autosave files are saved for the current project, please send us the most recently saved file to hotline@valentin-software.com. The autosave files are saved by default in the following directory: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL premium 2025\Autosave Please also send us the log files. These files can be found in the following directory: C:\ProgramData\Valentin EnergieSoftware\log Please note: ProgramData normally is a hidden folder. If it is not shown please enable the option "Show hidden files and folders" in the folder settings or type in the path in the Windows Explorer path field. We would need the following files: pvsolpremium.log pvsolpremium.log.1 (if available) pvsolpremium.log.2 (if available)
  3. Sehr geehrter Herr Müller, vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Wir arbeiten an einer Lösung. Das Problem ist bekannt und wird mit einem der nächsten Software-Updates behoben werden.
  4. Dear DroneOperator0, Thank you for your inquiry. The easiest method for resizing an image on a Windows PC is to use the built-in Photos app: https://support.my.uq.edu.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/3276/~/how-do-i-change-the-resolution-size-of-an-image-on-a-windows-pc%3F
  5. Bei mir wird sporadisch die Leistung vom Wechselrichter in der Energieflussgrafik mit 0 angezeigt. Zum Verbraucher und auch ins Netz stimmen die angaben.
  6. Model is flipped on the side, followed same procedure like last one which was oriented correctly. how to rotate the model in Z axis? EDIT: Solved this Rotaing in Blender
  7. testing the Software and Stuck at: -reduce the Model size of the texture to 4096*4096 pixel Anny advice how to solve that problem without paying for extra software?
  8. Last week
  9. Thank you very much.
  10. Dear all, Anyone else encounters that saving is not possible? What can you do about this? After 15 sec it says file can not be saved. Thanks veryone!
  11. Dear Sunnyfish, Thank you for your inquiry. The off-grid planning in PV*SOL is based on the SMA Off-Grid Configurator program, which we once programmed for SMA. It only contains the SMA design rules and you can only plan off-grid systems with AC-coupled batteries. It is not possible to plan systems in which the battery is DC-coupled. When using 3 x Growatt SPF 5000 ES, the batteries (2 x Growatt GBLI 6532, 6.5 kWh) are coupled on the DC side. This cannot be simulated correctly with the off-grid tool in PV*SOL. You have two options: 1. You use the off-grid tool and simulate your DC-coupled system as an AC system. To do this, create a new Growatt SPF 5000 ES in the database for the PV inverters (or use the Growatt SPH 5000 instead). On the ‘Inverters’ page, select 3 x Growatt 5000: On the ‘Battery Inverter and Battery’ page, select 3 x Growatt SPF 5000 ES and 2 x Growatt GBLI6531/2: The single line diagram looks like this: 2. You switch to a grid-connected system with electrical appliances. You create a new Growatt SPF 5000 ES in the PV inverter database (or use the Growatt SPH 5000 instead). You also create a Growatt SPF 5000 ES with one Growatt GBLI 6532, 6.5 kWh in the battery system database and select "DC intermediate circuit coupling": On the ‘Inverters’ page, select 3 x Growatt 5000: On the ‘Battery System’ page, select 1 x Growatt SPF 5000 ES with Growatt GBLI6531/2 and No. of battery systems "2": The single line diagram looks like this: In the window “System type, Climate and Grid” you set the “Maximum Feed-in Power Clipping” to zero. Then no energy will be fed into the grid. The value under “Total Consumption covered by grid” then represents the energy which cannot be covered by the PV system. This energy has to be provided by a generator.
  12. Dear Stenger, Thank you for your inquiry. The cable length estimation has not yet been included in the 3D modelling. Thank you for pointing this out again.
  13. Sehr geehrter Herr Rothenbühler, vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Bitte senden Sie uns die betroffene Projektdatei (*.pvprj) an hotline@valentin-software.com oder laden Sie sie hier hoch. Sollten Sie beim Absturz des Programms um das Senden eines Fehlerberichts gebeten werden, senden Sie den Fehlerbericht bitte ab und teilen Sie uns die genaue Uhrzeit des Fehlerberichts mit, damit wir ihn zuordnen können. Bitte senden Sie uns auch die Log-Dateien des Programms. Diese befinden sich in folgendem Verzeichnis: C:\ProgramData\Valentin EnergieSoftware\log Bitte beachten Sie: ProgramData ist normalerweise ein versteckter Ordner. Falls er nicht angezeigt wird, aktivieren Sie bitte die Option „Versteckte Dateien und Ordner anzeigen“ in den Ordnereinstellungen oder geben Sie den Pfad im Pfadfeld des Windows Explorers ein. Wir benötigen die folgenden Dateien: - pvsolpremium.log - pvsolpremium.log.1 (falls vorhanden) - pvsolpremium.log.2 (falls vorhanden)
  14. Dear MJL, Thank you for your inquiry. We have sent you a message with the download link.
  15. Dear Lukas, Thank you for your inquiry. We have converted the dae file into an obj file. We were then able to import the 3D model, but the textures were missing: Colour_A02.jpg Leaf_Dif.png caule.jpg As the model was initially incorrectly orientated (tilted), we were unable to import it at a scale of 1:1. We imported it at a scale of 1:50, then tilted it backwards and then set the scale back to 1:1. Import VAL.pvprj
  16. Dear nguyenthanhphong, Thank you for your inquiry. Tick the box for ‘Detailed Entry’:
  17. Dear said allaw, Thank you for your inquiry. 1. You define a maximum feed-in power clipping at the feed-in point: 2. You define a charging strategy with C-charge (or I-charging) up to 100 %. The C-charge is taken exclusively from the PV system, never from the grid: By default, the battery only serves consumption and does not discharge into the grid.
  18. Hallo Sunfan, vielen Dank für deine Anfrage. Die Wechselrichter-Umbenennung ist leider noch nicht möglich. Wir danken dir für den erneuten Hinweis.
  19. Dear Damian, Thank you for your inquiry. The database is maintained by the manufacturers themselves. The manufacturers have access to an online database in which they can enter their products. We then carry out database updates at regular intervals and the new entries are transferred to the users' databases. We will contact the manufacturer and ask them to enter the missing products in our database. You also have the possibility to create products by yourself. The easiest way is to copy an existing dataset (battery system with Goodwe inverter and a similar battery) and overwrite the values using the Dyness datasheet.
  20. Halo ???
  21. I thought the MPPT would shut off, but instead it simply locks onto the last available point, if I understood you correctly. Thank you for your help.
  22. Mahlzeit zusammen, gibt es hierzu denn zeitnah mal ein update?
  23. Dear ArtemVydysh, Thank you for your inquiry. If the MPPT voltage falls below 140 V, as in your example, the MPPT still controls the operating point at 140 V and generates a PV yield. This results in losses, which you can see in the energy balance. The PV yield can increase again if a more favourable operating point can be found.
  24. Hi, I’m working on a hybrid on-grid system with batteries and need help configuring the system to: Force zero export to the grid – I want to ensure that no excess energy is fed into the grid. Charge the battery only from PV and discharge only to the load – I need a way to prevent the battery from charging from the grid or discharging to it. Could you guide me on how to set this up in PV*SOL? Thanks in advance!
  25. I sent the file to your e-mail
  26. Hello Admin, i want to ask why my PVSol doesn't have "investment cost" in the Income and expenditure. Could you help me? Thanks
  27. Dear all, I am trying since days to upload a 3 D model in Pv*Sol but I can not. Also the changes I made in sketchup did not help. Error message: Can not load file. I greatly appreaciate any tip or help you might have. Thanks and Kind Regards, Lukas MODELO 3D SN PANELES..dae MODELO 3D SN PANELES.skp
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