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  2. Hi Nils, yes, you can go back to R2 if you like: http://downloads.valentin.de/pvsol/setup_pvsolpremium_2025_2.exe We have already identified the cause of the error and will release a fix for that as soon as possible. The renaming of the module areas should be done here: Then go back from the 3D environment, and then you should be able to save again. As far as we know right now, all consonant letters with diacritics, e.g. ś or ć, need to be replaced. Best regards, Martin
  3. Is it at this dialog box that you want me to not put ''Special Characters''? I have not changed this on any of my resent projects.
  4. Is there a way you could give me the option to go back to realease 2 and use that version until its fixed?
  5. I have the same problem. Please let me know when it is removed!
  6. Dear Nils Torbjørn, Thank you for your inquiry. This is a bug, and our development department is working on a solution. For the time being, you can work around this by not using any special characters in the module area names. Please rename your module areas and replace all special characters, then you should be able to save the project file.
  7. Hallo, Ich benutze die lizenzierte Version 2025 GeoT*SOL. Unter PV sollten die Optionen angezeigt werden, die auch im Einführungsvideo vorhanden sind, wie Heizstab, Quellenseitige Pumpe und Solarkreispumpe. Bei mir erscheinen diese Optionen jedoch nicht. Ich benötige die Heizstab-Option für meine Simulation. Könnten Sie mir dabei helfen?
  8. Thank you for the response and sorry for my delayed answer. ''The reason for the charging process not working was that you had only configured 30 kW.'' I could not understand why you kept saying this because i connected all the modules. Seems like i have managed to forward the wrong file in my first inquiry. Sorry for that. As far as the energy flow graph everything seems to be as wished. It’s as DC coupled and almost nothing to export. And the loss due to AC/DC conversion is drastically decreased. I will look at the attached file and see if I can figure what is what.
  9. Hello PV*Sol Forum. I do not know why, but after the latest release i can't save my projects anymore. attached are print screens of the messages i got today and yesterday. I have lost the project files, hence they won't save, but i have exported the PDF files. Please provide me with a solution. I cant save any files at all!!!
  10. Just to clarify on this matter, If our DC/AC oversizing ratio is not 100%, then the clipping we need to put should not be the export limit (or capacity) we want divided by the total TIC (DC kWp). Example, We have installed 1300kWp of panels (DC), and connected it to 1000kW of inverter (AC), the grid/DNO has asked for export limit of 250kW. Solution: 250/1000 (for AC) which is 25%, and that should be the input for the clipping. if we device the 250kW by the 1300kWp, then the oversizing of the inverter has not been considered. Can someone please clarify this?
  11. Dear JCS, Thank you for your message. PV inverter: Please let us know which device is missing or send us the data sheet (hotline@valentin-software.com). We will then contact the manufacturer and ask for a database update. Battery inverter: We will contact the manufacturer and ask them to add the S6-EH3P30K-H-ND. Thank you for your information.
  12. Hello, I have two questions regarding some projects with the propose to full feed-in the energy to the grid. I update today the PVSOL for de 2025 R3 version and this type of simulation has changed. For exemple, I made a 2D simulation for 12 MW tracking and 4 MWh of battery. It usually charges de battery only from de PV when it starts do generate power and after the battery becames full, it feed-in the energy to the grid. The only shedule that I made is for discharging between 0:00 and 04:00 o'clock. I do not ativate charging periods. With this update, sometimes to charge the battery it consumes from grid (charging from grid). I do not want that, How can I limit that? Other question. It is possible to enable charging only after the PV Power became above the clipping power?
  13. Is it possible to simulate a battery being force charged from the grid at optimal times when energy rates are at their cheapest?
  14. Hi Witanak, it is correct, the Victron inverters are still missing in the database. This is mostly due to the different operation mode in which the Victron devices are working. As long as we can't simulate that behaviour correctly, we prefer not to include them. But be assured that we have it on our list. Thanks and kind regards, Martin
  15. Hi FrRö, thank you for your message. No, we weren't able to develop this any further, sorry. Right now the process of optimizing the systems for the customer remains a manual task - but we have it on our list to provide some kind of tools to make it easier for the planner to do so. All the best for you as well, kind regards, Martin
  16. Hello, I am trying to make an off grid system of 100 KWp in panels, a 100KWh battery and a 58 KW generator. The problem is that in the simulation the battery does not charge. I am attaching the project below. Please help me with the configuration of this system and the battery Thank you Agrointens S.A. off grid v2025.pvprj
  17. Earlier
  18. Hello, I would be interested in updating information regarding Victron inverters. Are you still not going to include them in the database? Thank you for your reply. Vítek
  19. Thanks for reply. This is the procedure I was looking for. Thought one should choose battery not inverter. Brings up the list,but unfortunately the inverter to be used is not displayed (brings up the S6-EH3P 20K-H-ND but not the S6-EH3P 30K-H-ND Which should be used)
  20. Dear JCS, Thank you for your message. In PV*SOL, a battery system always consists of the charging/discharging unit (battery inverter or charge controller) and the batteries. You first select the manufacturer Ginlong (Solis) and then the battery inverter with Pylontech batteries.
  21. Hello, Thanks for reply. I have found the database (and tried to describe that I have it) What is the challenge is choosing Pylontech when I am in the calculations then it does not come up in the "list" of selectable batteries
  22. Hallo Sam, vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Wir kontaktieren den Hersteller und bitten um Ergänzung der Datenbank.
  23. Dear JCS, Thank you for your message. Battery systems with Solis inverters and Pylontech batteries are available in our database:
  24. Dear ionut, Thank you for your inquiry. Please send us the product link or the data sheet you are referring to: hotline@valentin-software.com. We will then contact the manufacturer and ask for an update.
  25. Lieber Armand Brzosko, vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Es gibt keine automatische Erkennung der Dachgeometrie beim Import von 3D-Modellen. Um mit der Dachbelegung beginnen zu können, zeichnen Sie zunächst mithilfe des Polygon-Werkzeugs eine oder mehrere Belegungsflächen auf das Dach des importierten Modells. Anschließend aktivieren Sie die Fläche(n). Die Funktion „Belegungsflächen automatisch ermitteln“ befindet sich noch im Beta-Stadium und ist deshalb fehleranfällig. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Belegungsflächen manuell einzuzeichnen.
  26. Dear Nils Torbjørn, Thank you for your inquiry. We have understood that you want to design a 110 kWp PV system (192 PV modules) with three inverters (1 x 60 kW and 2 x 30 kW) and that the charging process does not work in the simulation. The reason for the charging process not working was that you had only configured 30 kW (48 PV modules). We then designed a system with 120 kW (192 PV modules) in 2D to show how the battery system can be integrated. Of course, you can also design the system as a DC-coupled system. However, the battery system you require (30 kW Solis hybrid inverter with Dyness battery) is not yet available in our database. We have also modelled your roof layout with 192 PV modules (as we assume) in 3D and connected it with 4 x 20 kW hybrid inverters and 4 x 29 kWh battery capacity. Please find attached the project file we have been working on. PV Sol Trøgstad Maskinhandel AS _ VAL.pvprj
  27. Hallo Thomas, vielen Dank für deine Anfrage. Unsere Datenbanken werden von den Herstellern gepflegt. Der Hersteller E3/DC hat die Kopplungsart für seine Systeme geändert. Den Grund dafür kennen wir nicht, vermuten aber, dass der Hersteller seine Systeme mit dieser Kopplungsart in PV*SOL besser abgebildet sieht. Prinzipiell kannst du für jedes Batteriesystem die Kopplungsart ändern. Dafür kopierst du den vorhandenen Datensatz (Rechtsklick --> Kopieren), wählst die DC-Kopplung aus und speicherst den Datensatz neu ab.
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