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Import Load Profile from Excel


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I am new with the software.

I have the load profile of 337 days in 15 minutes interval and I want to import these data into PV*Sol, so I can calculate the dimensioning of my pv system. The objective is 100% self-supply with the minimum injection.

The pv system is grid connected. As I have the load profile, I chose "Grid connected PV System with Electrical Appliances".

I tried to add the data in "Consumption-->New Appliance-->Impoart and load Load Profile-->Import new load profile" but it only accepts .txt files, so I copied my data array in excel but I receive the prompt "Number of data records is wrong".

How can I work with the load profile data that I have collect over the last past year?

Please help.



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Hi Gustavo,

you would need to fill up the data series for 365 days. If you have a 15 min resolution, you need 35040 values for one year. Since you have only 337 days of measurement, PV*SOL 'complains' that the number of records is wrong. The solution is to provide a full year of data, then it works.

Kind regards,


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  • 8 months later...

Hi Robert,

the error message indicates that the file is locked by your file system. The reason might be that it is opened in another application, or that it is located on a network drive where PV*SOL doesn't have access.

Try to copy your values in a txt file and place it on your desktop. Close all programs that possibly have a finger on this file (including other instances of PV*SOL), and then try to import again.

Kind regards,


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