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Climate data of clear sky


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I am working on project where I want to see influence on my PV system caused by new building. I can see very good shadow visualization in 3D editor. But in results when I create graph of shading, the values do not look as I expect. I found out that the program calculates with typical year mean climate values, but I would like to see actual influence of shading objects without weather data. It is possible in PVSOL to import "clear sky" climate data? So I can see only shading influence of shading objects.



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Hello Filip,

the 3D editor displays the shade frequency. If you want to see the effect on the entire PV system, compare the simulation results. To get the maximum direct shading losses on the module surface, you need to import the clear sky climate data and run the simulation.

You can find out how to import climate data here: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2019/pages/system-type-climate-and-grid/meteosyn/#options

If you want to calculate the data for the clear sky by yourself, I would suggest the simple models "Haurwitz" or "Robledo-Soler".

Kind regards,


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