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erro ao importar 3D limite máximo 50000!

leonardo becaro

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50824b18-4bc7-4f8e-a359-716d42346436.thumb.jpeg.fca8873fa45f1dcbe3f783fa81489f1c.jpegtenho 2 computadores, um notebook da empresa com o processador i7 sem placa de vídeo e 8 de ram e um computador pessoal com um ryzen 5 placa de vídeo 1050 ti e 16 de ram, quando vou importar um modelo 3D no meu computador pessoal ele sempre independente da qualidade que eu gere o 3D no metashape, dá o erro que eu estou ultrapassando o limite máximo de 50000!, porém faço a mesma coisa no notebook da empresa e funciona normalmente, o que eu poderia fazer no meu pvsol do computador pessoal para parar de acontecer esse erro, preciso trabalhar e não faz sentido em um notebook com as configurações piores o 3D rodar normalmente o pvsol e no meu computador pessoal aparecer esse problema… me ajudem por favor! preciso trabalhar 



I have 2 computers, a company notebook with the i7 processor without video card and 8 ram and a personal computer with a ryzen 5 1050 ti video card and 16 ram, when I import a 3D model on my personal computer it always regardless of the quality that I generate the 3D in metashape, it gives the error that I am exceeding the maximum limit of 50000!, however I do the same thing on the company notebook and it works normally, what could I do on my personal computer pvsol to This error stops happening, I need to work and it doesn't make sense on a notebook with the worst settings for 3D to run normally in pvsol and this problem appears on my personal computer... please help me! I need to work


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Hi Leonardo,

do you use the same versions of PV*SOL on both machines? In PV*SOL premium 2024 R7 the way of calculating the number of 3D points was changed, which leads to a smaller number of allowed 3D points in reality. We will go back to the previous state with the upcoming release R8, but in the meanwhile you could also use R6 again.


Kind regards,


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