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specific Yield improvements

Justin McMillan

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Hi Justin,

when I create the climate file for the location Stoke on Trent in PV*SOL premium 2019 R5, I get an annual sum of global irradiation of 917 kWh/m² (the yield being something different as it describes the electrical energy that the PV plant is generating).

Could you send a project file where your Stoke on Trent location with 1017 kWh/m² is included, please?

Thanks and kind regards,


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Hi Justin,

it seems that you might have some legacy climate data files in your system that are not handled well by MeteoSyn. The fact that you have 4 versions of Stoke on Trent sounds like that this is the problem.

I suggest to do the following in order to clean up your climate files:

  1. Open the projects where you have Stoke on Trent climate files in and temporarily select another climate location
  2. Save these projects
  3. Open MeteoSyn by clicking on the world icon next to the location selection:
  4. Go to the list view, select one of the Stoke on Trent files, right click and go to the file location
  5. In this folder, delete all Stoke on Trent files
  6. Go back to MeteoSyn, go to the Options View and select "Update database"
  7. Go to list view again and make sure that all Stoke on Trent locations are gone
  8. Then re-create a new climate data set the usual way, by clicking on "Create climate data for new location"
  9. Now open the project files from 1. again and select the new Stoke on Trent climate file

Hope that helps,


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