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Bifaciality not being calculated


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Hey Team Valentine,


I created a new Bifacial module for my simulation with 70% Bifacial Factor. However, when I run the simulation, I get absolutely no gains or losses in the PV System Energy Balance. What could be the cause of this?


Your help would be much appreciated. 




PVsol Case.jpg

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Hi Emile,

thanks for sharing the projects. I also apologize for the late reply.

My assumption is that bifacial modules are not very suitable for an east-west system, as very little irradiation reaches the back of the module.

On 11/22/2023 at 11:00 AM, Emile said:

I created a new Bifacial module for my simulation with 70% Bifacial Factor.

Furthermore, I noticed that in the project that you posted, the bifaciality factor for the module is only 20% and not 70% as you wrote. Was that your intention?

I'm sorry if I misunderstood something. Please contact me again if this doesn't answer your question.

Kind regards


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