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PV*SOL premium Network Licence error


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I have downloaded PV*SOL for a university project, then put a document in the path (given by the professor for unlimited use).

The Test version is running, but for the wanted use over the VPN, there is an error: The connection with the remote server could not be done. The application will be closed.

could you please help me there?

Thanks in advance

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Hello Daniel93

thank you for your request. You might open a PowerShell and check the connection to our license server.

  • Press Win, type powershell, press Enter
  • Execute the command: Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://license.valentin.de/" -Method Head -Verbose
  • StatusCode must be 200

You could also post the output here.

There is a list of URLs that are mandatory for using PV*SOL in our online help: https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2023/en/start/system-requirements/#internet-connection

Kind regards


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