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Load profile (from measured values) NOT working


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Hello dear users

I have a very annoying problem loading "load profiles" into PVsol. I usually get my information from the customers with meterdata on an hourly basis. Even though it's meterdata giving me a excel sheet with 8760 lines there is rarely strait numbers like 1, 5 or 12. The numbers are usually 10,2312, 43,411 etc. Now if it happens a file contains 1 or 2 strait number, normally I would manually find them in the sheet and change them from 2 to 2,0001 for an example. Once I have change all the strait numbers to numbers with decimals the profile can be loaded into PVsol. Unfortunally now I got a customer with 2 different "load profiles" with all strait numbers, which leaves me with a big problem. oMzf2DQO_o.png

It will take me FOREVER to manually change all the numbers to numbers with decimals. Do any of you know a way to work around this or make PVsol accept "load profiles" without decimal numbers?


Thanks in advance for your help :)

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Hi Prosolar

17 minutes ago, Prosolar said:

Do any of you know a way to work around this or make PVsol accept "load profiles" without decimal numbers?

Of course! Here you go:

  • Mark the column
  • Right click to open the context menu
  • Choose "Format cells..."
  • Select Number
  • Set decimal places to greater than 1
  • Confirm by clicking OK
  • Be happy about Excels functionality and the free time you do never have to use for spotting unformatted numbers manually!

Kind regards

  • Thanks 1
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