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Swap between companies (User info)


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Hey there!


I just want to know if it's possible to print reports with different companies. I work for two different companies and every time I switch between them I have to erase all the info (including logo) and enter again the other company info.

Is there a way of doing this with a template or something like that? I tried changing the export settings of the report but did'nt find anything there.




Thanks in advance!




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Hi Esteban,

thank you for the feature request. We already have it on our list, but I can't give a date for this yet, I am afraid.

What you can do right now is to swap the corresponding lines in the PVSOL.ini. Just have a look at the file here:

    C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL premium 2023\PVSOL.ini

There is a line that starts with "Benutzerdaten":

    <Benutzerdaten Ansprechpartner="" Unternehmen="" Adresse1="" Adresse2="" Land="" Telefon="" Telefax="" EMail="" Bildpfad="" />

You can edit your data in PV*SOL, close it an then copy the line to another file. You do that for both your companies, so that you just have to paste the correct line before starting PV*SOL.

Hope that helps, kind regards,


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