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Battery system simulation issue


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I want to simulate a system that will use one hybrid inverter set to minimize import from the grid and one regular inverter that will reduce the load on the hybrid inverter.

If I simulate the hybrid inverter on its own everything is fine but adding a second inverter seems to have no affect on how the batteries are charged and discharged. In this configuration the simulation seems to feed energy back into the grid rather than charging the hybrid inverters batteries.

The graph below is for a configuration with a hybrid inverter and a regular inverter.


Below is the same hybrid inverter on its own.


As you can see the hybrid inverter tries to cover the whole load on its own and does not take the production of the second inverter into account.

Is this an issue with my configuration or a bug in the software?

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Hello Michael,

thanks a lot for your question. I am sure we will find the solution there. Is there any chance that you can provide the project files for the two cases? Otherwise it will be hard for us to understand what is going on in the system. You can send the project file as private message.

Thanks and kind regards,


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Hi Michael,

thanks a lot for the project files. In this case you use a DC coupled battery system. DC coupled systems are connected to the first PV inverter only, so adding or removing PV arrays doesn't change the energy that flows in or out of the batteries. In the circuit diagram you see that for the battery, there is no difference between your two system designs:



I hope this helps, kind regards,


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