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Solaredge Multiple orientations design


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i'm trying to set a multiple orientations design and once i make the group of module area i can only choose 1 inverter group and there is no option to get a second inverter where i can set different

string length. One of the benefit of SolarEdge is to have strings of different orientations and length in the same inverter and in this case i can't realize it. 

Can you please help me to solve this issue?




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Hi Alberto,

when you configure two module areas together, the option to have multiple configurations is disabled and the icon to duplicate the inverter configuration is hidden. If you want to have multiple configurations with varying string length, you can do so if you configure the module areas separately:


Hope that helps. If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Kind regards,


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thanks for your answer, however it's not solving the issue.

I need to split into 1 inverter few panels from east side and few panels from west side, in the reality this is possible with SolarEdge inverter but it's not possible with PVSOL which made this scenario not real

I know the way to design with single area but it's not what i need for this project. 

Let's say that i want to fit 120 panels into a 27.6k inverter , 60 east side and 60 west side, if i configure it as single area i will have 2 inverter but 120 panels can fit easily into 1 inverter.

Can you please clarify?





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Hi Alberto,

I understand the problem. When you configure two module areas together, you can connect them to one inverter, no problem. You could also increase the amount of the inverters, but then all will have the same string configuration. You can't, however, have two different inverter setups directly on two module areas that you configure together. I know that this is possible in reality, but right now our configuration manager is not capable to doing this.

But you can do it manually with a little preparation:

You would need to split your module areas 2A and 2B before connecting them. Let's say you want to connect one part of 2A and one part of 2B together to one inverter, and then the other parts to another inverter. You could solve it like this:


Here, my module areas 2A and 2B had 120 modules each. I separated them on the page "PV Field" into four module areas:

  • "2A 1st part" with 80 modules
  • "2A 2nd part" with 40 modules
  • "2B 1st part" with 40 modules
  • "2B 2nd part" with 80 modules

Then I go to the page "Inverter" and select "2A 1st part" and "2B 1st part" and "Configure module areas together". The same for "2A 2nd part" and "2B 2nd part". Then you can configure each pair of module areas with their respective inverter.

Of course you could also split the module areas in parts with 60 modules each and connect them as follows, using the "Connect strings with the same number in series" feature:



Does that help? Please let me know if that enables you to design your system.

Kind regards,


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Hi Martin,

thanks for your answer, it is exactly what i did to solve this issue, it's not an easier process to understand for users that have no experience in design with SolarEdge but it's anyway a solution.

I will train installer to use this tricky way if they experience same issue.

Thanks again for your prompt answer


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