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help with map section


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Hi everyboby.

I'm trying to create a new PV model for a building (on PVSol Premium).

When I have to choose some 3d models, the option "map section" doesn't appear. So, I can't use maps neither use jpg images.

Do I have to activate the map option from somewhere? 

Please help me.

Thanks in advance!



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Hi leoramirezm,

when you start into the 3D environment (or start a new project from within the 3D environment), you can select the map section from the drop down:


That is, you can't add a map section to an existing project, you'll always have to start with a map and add your objects afterwards.

Does this answer your question?

Kind regards, Martin


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  • 9 months later...

Hi camilo,

The 3D map feature was introduced in PV*SOL premium 2016 Release 1 (November 23rd, 2015), PV*SOL premium 7.5 R4 version is older than that, which means, that the feature is not in the version you use.

To have access to the newest features, please update to the newest version, right now it is PV*SOL premium 2018 R5. You can also test it 30 days for free, nearly without restrictions:


Good luck!


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