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Boundary Condition - inclination bug


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I have designed and simulated a project but there are some problems in the report.

the inclination of the actual roof and the boundary conditions are different as an example


This is the inclination i have in my module areas but i have a different inclination in my Yeild for EnEV simulation result.


It should be 25 degrees but instead i have 30 degrees.


I have also faced the same problem in different projects . How do I solve this problem?


Thanks for the support in advance!

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Hi Rohith,

the results according to EnEV are based on very rough calculations. For example the inclination angle only has the possible values 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 °. There are a lot of other limitations as well, so you should pay much attention to those numbers. You only need(ed) them for some German subsidy programs and the like.

Kind regards,


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