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    Is it possible to use the horizon line from the 3D images of Google Earth for the shadowing effect on the pv generator?








Hi Boris,


if you're able to extract the information of the horizon as azimuth-elevation pairs, you could write your own *.hor-file and import that into PV*SOL. You can also manually type those values in the provided data table of the horizon dialog.


Could you tell me how the horizon line from Google Earth looks like?


Kind regards,



Hi Martin, thanks for your reply.


The point is that it is difficult to get the elevation value..., it´s easier for the azimuth angle using a compass image overlay. I´ve been trying with the viewshed tool in GE Pro, but it´s a tedious process.


I think there must be an easier and simple way to obtain that data, so if someone else have an idea about it, it would be an excellent share.


I leave some images from GE.


Best regards,



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