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Finacial Analysis/Economic Efficiancy Clculation

Dan Ogden

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Hello everyone,

I am hoping someone may be able to help with a few queries around the Financial Analysis & Economic Efficiency Tab and what each tab refers to.

The basic figures I am wanting to input are:

Cost to customer is £25,272.00

Cost per kWh for my customer is 0.34p

Annual kWh is 15,600kWh

Consumption to be used on site will be 90% (he is also having battery storage)

The remaining 10% will be sold back to grid at 7.5p kWh

When I am looking at the simulation results the annual yield is only at 990 kWh/kWp but the we know the yield will be circa 28,000 kWh

I am just just confused as to what I should be inputting where, any help will be very much appreciated.

I am trying to get my company to purchase the software and looking to show them an example using one of my directors properties.

Many thanks for any help



Simulation Results.PNG



Income & Expenditure.PNG

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Hello Dan Ogden,

On 10/17/2022 at 11:57 AM, Dan Ogden said:

Cost to customer is £25,272.00

You did put this right, it is the investment costs of your customer.

On 10/17/2022 at 11:57 AM, Dan Ogden said:

Cost per kWh for my customer is 0.34p

You can create your own from-grid tariff with those 0.34p per kWh:

On 10/17/2022 at 11:57 AM, Dan Ogden said:

Annual kWh is 15,600kWh

You have to put this value as Consumption. If you have measured values, perfect. If not, you have to estimate typical distributions.

On 10/17/2022 at 11:57 AM, Dan Ogden said:

The remaining 10% will be sold back to grid at 7.5p kWh

You have to create your own feed-in tariff with the value of 7.5p per kWh:

On 10/17/2022 at 11:57 AM, Dan Ogden said:

When I am looking at the simulation results the annual yield is only at 990 kWh/kWp but the we know the yield will be circa 28,000 kWh

The 990 is specific, which means 990kWh per kWp. Regarding you 32.4kWp generator output this yields to ~32,000kWh.


I hope this gives some hints into the right direction! If you have further questions, feel free to ask!

Kind regards,

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