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Setting up a battery system


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Dear collaborators,
please tell me if it is possible to configure in the system the charging and discharging moments of a 500kWh / 1MWh battery?
I would like to simulate cutting the daily production peaks and discharging the battery in the evening!
If so, how? Where? I can try with any kind of battery, I don't want to use one!
Thank you in advance.

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Hi CodrinSomesan,

yes, you can simulate PV systems with electrical appliances and battery systems in PV*SOL. We have around 3000 real battery systems in our database which you can try out. Additionally you can define your own battery system.

In order to see the battery system page, you'll have to activate a corresponding system type:


Kind regards,


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Dear Martin,

thank you very much for your answer.

The question is: I would like to simulate cutting the daily production peaks and discharging the battery in the evening!

Can I go so deep in the battery configuration for setting up the charging and discharging time/procedure?

For example: I would like to setup one plant with 1MWh battery system and I want to charge the battery between 12.00 to 15.00 and discharging the battery 50% between 16.00 and 18.00 and another 40% next day in the morning.

Thank you in advance.

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Hi Codrin,

no, you can't define a charge/discharge schedule for the battery systems right now, I am afraid. You can set the SOC limits however, which already gives plenty of possibilities to modify the charging behaviour:


The feature request to be able to define a schedule as well is already on our list, but it is not planned yet, I am afraid.

Kind regards,


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