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Create climate data gives a large difference


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I created new meterological data for Fagernes, which gave me quite a big difference from the one before (see images). I see that the one I created is from Meteonorm 8.1 and the old one is from 7.2. Could it be correct that the value is this much higher or is it something that happens in the interpolation process? 



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Hi Sondre,

this can happen when you compare climate data from Meteonorm 7.2 with 8.1. See these difference maps for reference, which we got from Meteotest:



Fagernes is just not o the map anymore, I guess, but you see the red area in south Norway in the difference map from 7.3.2 to 8.0. Unfortunately, Fagernes is not covered by the most important climate satellite for Europe (SARAH), so data have to be extrapolated into the unknown.

But it is always a good idea to check with other climate data sources, for example PVGIS. They extrapolate from the available satellite data as well:


The Global Solar Atlas however, usually a good source to check meteo values, doesn't even try to give an estimate for your location :(


So, yes, it is not unusual to have such high differences between Meteonorm versions. But the question which value is the most suitable for your location is very difficult to answer.

Hope that helps, kind regards,


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